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Thread: I'm Back! 1st Cycle Help Please.

  1. #1

    Exclamation I'm Back! 1st Cycle Help Please.

    Hi everyone, my name is Brandon. I came to this board 3 years ago when I was 18 and ready to do my 1st cycle in highschool, everyone told me I should wait till I was a few years older, I'm 21 now and READY to go. I feel that my body has done all of the growing it is going to do.

    I have a choice between taking Equipoise in pill or oil based form. I have read that pills give you worse/more side effects then an injection would? Is that true? Also.. , is that a safe site to order syringes from?

    My stats are:
    Height: 6'0
    Weight: 195lbs

    If I got the oil, It would be about 10cc's I guess. Would taking it like..
    Week 1-4 1cc a week
    Week 4-5 2cc a week
    Week 6-7 1cc a week

    I have a very good base on me. I haven't maxed out in awhile after I quit all my sports but I had a 335 bench and 505 squat. I will try and get some pics up soon so you can help more, before and after. I want to lower my body fat and bulk up, Is Equipoise good for this and to be the one I start on.

    I bought Mega Men vitamins from GNC and the Shark Cartliage pills to help with my joints healing for when I start my cycle. I want to order some dexatrose? Doesnt that help your muscles heal faster?

    Thank you very much if you took the time to read my boring 1st thread and help me out. I will take any help yall can give me. (can you tell im from Texas lol)


  2. #2
    Welcome back to the board!

    You did the right thing by waiting. Sounds like you have done pretty good naturally up to this point.

    As for the first cycle that you put up here, I would take that one right out of your head.......erase doesn't exist anymore.

    Not flaming you bro, but it just won't be very effective and could give you more sides with less gains.

    Start with a test only cycle.

    Weeks 1-12 of either test e or test c at 500 mg/week.

    Split it up 250 on Monday and 250 on Thursday.

    That will require 3 bottles of test dosed at 200/ml in a 10cc bottle

    Remember to run a correct PCT at the end. Keep some nolva or an AI on hand in case you have any problems during cycle that are estrogen related.

    As for the pins on ARR. Go for it.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by velvetlion
    Welcome back to the board!

    You did the right thing by waiting. Sounds like you have done pretty good naturally up to this point.

    As for the first cycle that you put up here, I would take that one right out of your head.......erase doesn't exist anymore.

    Not flaming you bro, but it just won't be very effective and could give you more sides with less gains.

    Start with a test only cycle.

    Weeks 1-12 of either test e or test c at 500 mg/week.

    Split it up 250 on Monday and 250 on Thursday.

    That will require 3 bottles of test dosed at 200/ml in a 10cc bottle

    Remember to run a correct PCT at the end. Keep some nolva or an AI on hand in case you have any problems during cycle that are estrogen related.

    As for the pins on ARR. Go for it.
    Velvet, couldn't have put it better myself!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by velvetlion
    Welcome back to the board!

    You did the right thing by waiting. Sounds like you have done pretty good naturally up to this point.

    As for the first cycle that you put up here, I would take that one right out of your head.......erase doesn't exist anymore.

    Not flaming you bro, but it just won't be very effective and could give you more sides with less gains.

    Start with a test only cycle.

    Weeks 1-12 of either test e or test c at 500 mg/week.

    Split it up 250 on Monday and 250 on Thursday.

    That will require 3 bottles of test dosed at 200/ml in a 10cc bottle

    Remember to run a correct PCT at the end. Keep some nolva or an AI on hand in case you have any problems during cycle that are estrogen related.

    As for the pins on ARR. Go for it.
    Follow this advice. It is exactly what you need.


  5. #5
    Done. Out of my head. : ) But what about the Pills vs. Oils. With the research that I have done on my own, I saw that Equipoise had the least side effects and most gains. Will Test give me alot of side effects? and would Test be better then Equipoise for bulking.

    Last edited by MotorBoatin' SOB; 07-24-2006 at 03:45 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Guess?4 superbowls,0 wins
    I would go with "triflex" to lubricate your joints when you do go on, it has Chondritin, Glucosamite, and MSM, all great for lubricating your joints and tendons, better than Shark...

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by MotorBoatin' SOB

    Also I do not remember the name he gave me, but it was something like Saustnol, a REALLY strong one for horses or something. Said I would basicly gain muscle over night. Would that be dangerous or has anyone heard of it.

    Thanks bro

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MotorBoatin' SOB
    Done. Out of my head. : ) But what about the Pills vs. Oils. With my new "hookup" I can basicly get anything. With the research that I have done on my own, I saw that Equipoise had the least side effects and most gains. Will Test give me alot of side effects? and would Test be better then Equipoise for bulking.

    Also I do not remember the name he gave me, but it was something like Saustnol, a REALLY strong one for horses or something. Said I would basicly gain muscle over night. Would that be dangerous or has anyone heard of it.

    How many ml/mg = 1cc ?

    Thanks bro
    All right, first off I am not familiar with equipoise in an oral. That isn't to say that it doesn't exist, I just have not seen it. Actually, if you look at the equipoise compound and make it 17aa, you have d bol. Which acts completely different than equipoise.

    But anyways, equipoise is not normally run alone. Not to say that it can't be, but IMO wouldn't make for a very productive cycle.

    The sides from equipoise are a bit more mild than those of test. But at 500mg. of test, most don't see a ton of sides. If you are seeing a lot of sides off of 500 mg. of test, chances are, you are going to see sides from many different compounds. Again, just my opinion from what I have witnessed.

    Never listen to the guy that is selling you drugs. That is a big mistake. Listen to the guys on this board. There isn't a drug that in itself is going to make you grow huge overnight. He will be trying to sell you a bridge next. Drug dealers are salesman. Don't listen to them. Consider this board as being similar to Consumer's Report.

    There are lots of compounds made for animals that humans use. I am not sure what the hell he is trying to sell you, but stick to what I told you to begin with.

    As for the conversion. 1ml=1cc The doseage of mg/ml you have to get off of the bottle. It can change from product to product.

  9. #9
    "Remember to run a correct PCT at the end. Keep some nolva or an AI on hand in case you have any problems during cycle that are estrogen related."

    And I know it will probbly vary on how much of the Clomid and Nolva I would have to use but would both of thoes bottles last me a cycle or 2? I want to only do one or 2 cycles. What gauge/legnth needle should I get to inject into my glutes? " TERUMO 3cc/mL Syringe 23G x 1½ ” ??

    Last edited by MotorBoatin' SOB; 07-24-2006 at 03:47 PM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by MotorBoatin' SOB
    Thanks alot Velvetlion. Ya I know all the tricks of the trade, I am an entrepreneur myself. This is my boy anyways, hes not tryin to sell me anything I dont want/need ect.

    On that site,, should I buy the (Clomi/Tamox Combo for $85) for what you said about the PCT....

    "Remember to run a correct PCT at the end. Keep some nolva or an AI on hand in case you have any problems during cycle that are estrogen related."

    And I know it will probbly vary on how much of the Clomid and Nolva I would have to use but would both of thoes bottles last me a cycle or 2? I want to only do one or 2 cycles, but from what I have heard its just like Lays potato chips. You cant have just one lol. What gauge/legnth needle should I get to inject into my glutes? " TERUMO 3cc/mL Syringe 23G x 1½ ” ??

    23g. 1 1/2 will be perfect for your glutes. Not sure on the doseages of the clomid on this site, but make sure you have enough clomid for 100mg/day for 4 weeks, and 20-40mg of nolvadex for 4 weeks. Some will reccomend only running one or the other. I normally use both. You can check out the PCT section and read some things and get a better idea of what you would like to do. Also, make sure that you have enough nolva in case you have problems during cycle. If you feel any gyno coming on "itchy sore nipples" than just start out with 20mg. nolva a day, if it persists, take it up to 40.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    go with test only cycle... i did test + eq stack for my first cycle and had good gains but gains keept going even after i stopped eq at week 12... i did 2cc's or 400mg a week.. i didnt see sides from eaither drug... eq is waste of money imho

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    eq is not waste it has to be run for almost 16 week to see good gains. But for afirst cycle dif not the aas to run listen to velvetlion.Bro's givin you excelent advice.good luck

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