good input, thanks for the post
good input, thanks for the post
I know alot of pro`s and they cycle way much more then that.
Originally Posted by roidattack
Im still waiting to hear an answer to this.
Also Im wondering if the author has ever done "mega doses" in a short amount of time. Even with test if you shoot more than your body can handle at one time your going to feel like shyt and youll be wasting good gear with no added benefit.
Try jumping from 500mgs/week of test to say 1500mgs/week and see how much you feel like going to the gym.
Totaly wrong,Originally Posted by roidattack
Ive studied such theorys and many pro's and top level BB's use it all the time, check out some recent threads regarding such cycles.
Originally Posted by marcus300
Id rather go with personal experience on this one.
Also if its wrong what do you call a "mega dose"?? I know if I shoot too much at once I feel like a bucket of dung. I dont need a study to tell me that.
Also why quit at week 6 or 8 when your best gains are from weeks 6-10?? Makes 0 sense.
quoteId rather go with personal experience on this one.
Also if its wrong what do you call a "mega dose"?? I know if I shoot too much at once I feel like a bucket of dung. I dont need a study to tell me that.quote
Ive done many short burst cycles, also designed hundreds for top level BB's, the studies i refer to our my own experiences with these types of cycles, i have a diary going back years with all the results of all the cycles ive done, please read my thread regarding short cycles, it will educate you alot more on the subject.
If you have tried a short heavy cycle and it didnt work or didnt respond to it thats fine, but there are alot of things what must be in place when doing such a cycle, please read up on the subject.
I must stress that short heavy cycles are only for the advance bodybuilder.
Last edited by marcus300; 03-28-2006 at 11:44 AM.
thanks just the info ive been in search off great work and thank you
Okay if your running a lengthy 16 week you need to make some changes at 6-8 weeks if you want to experience the best gains imaginable. If no change is made during this time, the body begins to experience what we refer to as adaptation. This same principle applies to resistant training. No one continues to make good gains on the same exact workout routine after a period of 8 weeks. A change in volume and or intensity must be incorporated if futher progress is to be made. We call this periodization. Same principle applies to anabolic cycles.Originally Posted by neverenuff21
We know each drug has it's own active life. Drugs like D-Bol and Anadrol lose their effect at about week 6, but the same dosages for Testosterone Cypionate, and Deca can be used for an extended 8 weeks period because it takes them two extra weeks to reach a full active life.
If you want to alter your cycle the possibilities are endless. Here are a few Sample Cycles used by some recreational bodybuilders.
(1). Add more drugs at weeks 6-8 and leave the current drugs in as a base. For eg: If you are using 1 gram of Test Enanthate and 800 mgs of EQ. Add 500 mgs of Tren Enanthate at week 6 and stop the cycle at week 12.
(2). Change the drugs altogether once they run their 8 week course-(dependent upon their active life). For e.g.; If you are running a 16 week cycle. You could use 750 mgs of Test Cypinonate and 600 mgs of Deca then drop the Deca at week 8 and replace it with 800 mgs of EQ.
(3). Increase the dosages of the same drugs at 6-8 week depending upon their active life and run those same drugs for the entire-(12 week cycle). For e.g.; You could run 150 mgs of Test Prop eod and 75 mgs of Tren Ace eod for 6 weeks. Then up the dosages for teh following 6 weeks of the 12 week cycle to Test Prop 100 mgs daily and Tren Ace 75mgs ed.
(4). Increase the dosages of the same drugs and go a step further by adding in more drugs at week 6 or 8. For e.g.; You want to run a 12 week cycle using Test Enan, Tren, EQ, Winny. Weeks 1-6 run 750 mgs of Test, along with 600 mgs of EQ. For the following 6 weeks of the 6 week cycle use Test Enan 1200 mgs, EQ 1 gram, Tren Enan 500 mgs, and Winny 50 mgs ed.
5. Increasing dosages while at the same time adding and taking away various drugs. For e.g.; Run a 12 week cycle using D-bol, Winstrol, EQ, Test Enan, Deca, Tren, Deca. Weeks 1-6 use 50 mgs D-Bol ed, Test Enan 750 mgs, Deca 400 mgs, and Tren Enan 400 mgs. For the following 6 weeks use Test enan 1 gram, Deca 600 mgs, EQ 600 mgs, Tren Enan 600 mgs and Winny 50 mgs ed.
Does that make things a bit clearer?
Last edited by The Iron Man; 03-29-2006 at 03:25 PM.
yes it helps but could address that is give more info on tendon healing aspects and sample cycles including length of run and mgs. and timining considering the half life of eq and testOriginally Posted by The Iron Man
Last edited by cj1capp; 03-28-2006 at 12:26 PM.
you still out there ironman. im looking for a litle more help. Thanks .cj
Originally Posted by marcus300
What do you call an advanced body builder?
What do you call mega doses?
Why do a 6 week cycle vs a 12 week when your biggest gains start at week 6, 7, or 8?
I have to admit I have not tried a short heavy cycle BUT I have gone from low dose to high dose with bad side effects. Marcus if your right your right but if you are these questions shouldnt be difficult to answer.
Okay I'm going to answer your ? with a ?. Then we can discuss this matter in greater detail.Originally Posted by roidattack
Are the biggest gains made from using D-BOL in the 8-10 week period given the dosages remain constant? Let's go a step further and ask at what point does 500 mgs of Testosterone Enanthate begin to fail to provide continued results?
marcus it's a breath of fresh air to see someone telling the truth about the effectiveness of short "Blitz Cycles".Originally Posted by marcus300
Iron Man Im still seeking info on tendon health and AAS. good you PLEASE give me your thoughts on EQ and test i have read you original post and sent you a pM but here is my question. I need sample cycle for tendon health im recovering from rotator cuff repair what do you think the cycle run time should be and dosages any info you can provide is truly welcomed.
Actually some Professional Bodybuilders are not using more than the Sample Cycles I listed!!!Originally Posted by Kappa Capo
It's been my experience that very few really know what the top Pro's are using. But I will agree to the fact some are using much more. I know for a fact Ronnie Coleman uses much more.
If you will please give us a (Sample Cycle) of what the Pro's you know are taking so we can compare notes.
Originally Posted by The Iron Man
No and around 12 weeks. Any other questions? Now can you answer mine? And without the big blue letters.
Do you have access to Deca and GH? EQ can help re-build the tendons but I am not a big fan of EQ for rotator cuff repair because it can dry you out.Originally Posted by cj1capp
How many weeks does it take D-Bol to lose it's effectiveness? Wouldn't D-bol and Test Prop lose their affectiveness at the same time? If not then why?Originally Posted by roidattack
I must be missing something.
Everyone will tell you that Cyp and En don't fully kick in until week 6-9.
How would a 6-8 week cycles using these esters be productive? Also, doesn;t this conflict with yoru statement that gains will end at 6 weeks unless you increase your dosage?
yes Deca i can get GH is not an option no source money factor.Originally Posted by The Iron Man
Im unsure when dbol looses its effectiveness. I believe people stop taking at 6 weeks because its a risk vs reward being more sides after 6. Ive taken it longer though with good results.Originally Posted by The Iron Man
I already answered your test question. You still haven't answered any of mine and judging by the increased size of your letters and not the increased fact in your answers, I don't think I'm going to get one.
An advanced bodybuiler is someone with enough experience to understand how his body reacts to AAS and has got plenty of cyles history to detirmine what works for him.Originally Posted by roidattack
I am not discussing dosages on this site, there are to many newbies reading this, if you took 10mins out of your time and read my thread on this subject you will understand why i cant state dosages.
If you did a poll i am sure there would be far more saying that the gains come on in the first half of a cycle, ive done many cycles and lengths and ive never had good gains start towards the end of the cycle. everybody is different tho but am sure more would say gains come in the first half.
I find it strange how you can comment so much when you havent even done one let alone read about it, in bodybuilding never dismiss anything.
please read my thread on short heavy cycles.
also like to state there is alot on this thread i dont agree with, like upping the dose half way through for further gains.
iron man not trying to interupt your lively discussion with other bros here but my question is real and practical and your info is vauled to me. So Gh is out Deca i can get again ur thoughts on tendon health such as sample cycles length anythig you might know about healing tendons. thanks broOriginally Posted by cj1capp
Originally Posted by marcus300
*****In bold
D-Bol 30-50 mgs/daily
Test Enanthate 750 mgs-1 gram/weekly
Deca 400-600 mgs/weekly
^^^copied and pasted from first post...
So your supposed to stop at week 6 when the deca and test havent kicked in yet. So, basically your doing a dbol only cycle. Plus your using way way way too much test for a first timer. Am I mis-reading somewhere??
no more help for me iron man?
hi i usually only cycle test e on its own at 750mg week with 0.5 aramidex daily for 12-14 weeks cycle!!!! so if i take 300mgs deca and 500 mgs test e with 0.5 aramidec daily i will gain more like this and side will be lower????????
Well I'm 532 and just going to cycle until I fall over. I'm on a mission and will cycle until 9/17/07 with big doses. I don't have time for short cycles anymore. Did them years ago with great results. Thumbs up to Marcus for his short cycles as they are the best thing when young. Iron Man are you sure you know anything about hear? I wondering here as you seem to just copy shit from here and there.
Your buddy TOM
No contradictions mentioned on my behalf. Test fully kicks in hard after 2-3 weeks not 6-9. Gains come to a screeching halt between 9-12 weeks on Test Enanthate and Cypionate given the dosage remains unchanged. Talk with various experienced bodybuilder and 90% of them will tell you the same thing. The only way to make any further appreciable gains past 8 weeks is to increase the dosage or add in other drugs.Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
Last edited by The Iron Man; 03-29-2006 at 03:27 PM.
I'm not avoiding your question. I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.Originally Posted by roidattack
Test and D-bol lose most of their effectiveness to build muscle mass between 6-8 weeks. I cannot be more specific than that. I've never witnessed anyone who could continues to make appreciateable gains in lean muscle mass using a Test only cycle once they got past 8 weeks of injections unless something was changed. I do not understand how you get 12 weeks? Many make most of their strength gains in the first 3-6 weeks of a test only cycle while some make their best gains during the last 3 weeks of an 8 week cycle.
How do you figure your still making gains at week 12 if no adjustments are made?![]()
Last edited by The Iron Man; 03-29-2006 at 03:31 PM.
I disagree. Blood levels don't fully peak until days 33-42. Now that's a fact. I believe your main site that you post on is Iron Magazine and you need to go back there cause you out of your league here at AROriginally Posted by The Iron Man
Last edited by Bob's big boy; 03-28-2006 at 07:02 PM.
You have a PM.Originally Posted by cj1capp
The possibilities are many as to when and how much. During your recovery period I would like to see you run 200 mgs of test along with 200 mgs of deca for 8 weeks.
ToughOldMan you are a damn Schitzo if there ever was one..Originally Posted by Bob's big boy
Testosterone Enanthate kicks in around 2 weeks or so. I am referring to it's active life here. Speak with Swale the endocrinologist if you don't believe me.
Don't worry I am not going to stop my free personal training at IronMagazine.![]()
Last edited by The Iron Man; 03-29-2006 at 03:15 PM.
Yes you are confused. 300-500 mgs of test makes a great first cycle. 400 mgs of EQ or Deca along with 500mgs of test would make a nice second cycle. I guess I need to make that update.Originally Posted by roidattack
I've made gains off of deca in as little as 3-4 weeks time! I personally wont use deca for longer than 3-4 weeks before switch off to another compound such as Tren or EQ because of the sexual side effects I experience at the end of week 3.
Who gave you the crazy idea that deca doesn't work until your past 6 weeks? I'm lost here!!!![]()
I agree with your point on more side effects by the way. Marcus and I are talking in terms of muscle gains not what's healthier for the body. The Pro's are not the most fit athletes on earth but they are the Biggest!!! They did not get that way by injecting moderate dosages for extended periods of time.I also know that some of the PRO'S get along seemigly very well with High Dosed Blitz Cycles much better than others.Originally Posted by roidattack
Again the biggest gains aren't always made during week 6, 7, or 8. Some make their best gains during weeks 4, 5, and 6.
Last edited by The Iron Man; 03-29-2006 at 11:42 AM.
First of ALL. Who the hell is Tough old men? My screen name is Bob's big boy. My real first name is Mr. B. B = Big biceps.Originally Posted by The Iron Man
I may be a Schitzo but can tell you that that full blood peak of test e or Cyp doesn't kick in until 33-42 days.
Now with that being said I'm have been utilization your training protocol for over 4 months. It is the best I have ever used in 53 years. But your knowledge in anabolics needs up dating as it is only useful to those who have no knowledge in regards to anabolic use.
I ask your opinions on [edit] just to see where you were really coming from and have yet to agree with you.My knowledge may come from the 70's and 80's and now the 2000's, but your knowledge comes from the prehistoric era when it comes to ananbolics
Don't debate me on this as you will lose. You want to look good here, then know what the **** your talking about.
You know what take this to [edit] and debate me over there. I think your a dumbshit and have no idea what the hell your talking about. A matter of fact, I don't know that your training is that good.
Where is DANTE of doggcrapp training. Any of you who want to see a war, see you at IronMag.
Bob's Big boy
There is indeed contradictory information in your original posting.
I don't know you, so, what makes you feel qualified to give me, or anyone else here advice without any sort of backup, studies, scientific data, etc?
Is your name Ross?
I see you have not met me at [edit] for a debate. Are you a pussy or what. I'll serve you a saucer of milk if needed to get this debate on the road
This thread has been severly highjacked..lolOriginally Posted by Hard Head
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