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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Clen temperature not consistent?

    Well, I know on clen you're supposed to make sure your body temp increases, which mine does, but only for about 4 hours or so after i take it. i take my doses at 1/2 in the morning and the other 1/2 about 2 hours later. so, during the day my body temp goes up but later on in the afternoon, my temp goes back to normal. is this good cause it's giving my body a break or should i spread out my clen more to keep my temp consistenly up?

    i know clens 1/2 life is 36 hours, so i'm not sure why it is that my temp goes back down after only 4 hours or so after i take this stuff? anyway, if anyone knows whether it's better to consistenly try to keep it up or if it's better to just give it a temp increase like i'm doing please let me know. thanks.

  2. #2
    ascendant's Avatar
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    wanted to bump this up, but also wanted to ask if the clen raising your body temp is the main way it burns extra calories?

  3. #3
    velvetlion's Avatar
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    I would try to take it more frequently throughout the day. I try to take it at least 3 times daily when I use it. I personally can take it up till about 7 or 8 and still don't have a problem sleeping but others have problems with this.

  4. #4
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    so then i should try to keep my body temp up consistently throughout the entire day? should i maybe up my dose to keep my temp up longer, or just focus on spreading it out more? i'm at 100mcg, and don't know if i'd be comfortable taking any more, but maybe just spreading it out is the answer?

  5. #5
    velvetlion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    so then i should try to keep my body temp up consistently throughout the entire day? should i maybe up my dose to keep my temp up longer, or just focus on spreading it out more? i'm at 100mcg, and don't know if i'd be comfortable taking any more, but maybe just spreading it out is the answer?
    How are your sides from it. I usually use that as a gauge to tell me when I am up too high, but I rarely go above 140mcg. Maybe just try spreading it out a bit. If you don't feel like it is doing enough, up it a little bit and see what happens.

  6. #6
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    well, right now my sides aren't that bad. my hands are a bit shaky, constant anxious feeling, and a slight pressure in my chest. the only thing that bothers me at all is the pressure in my chest. not cause it's painful in the least bit, it's just cause i'm uncomfortable not knowing exactly what it is. it comes and goes, but doesn't get worse when i work out or do cardio, so it doesn't seem heart-related.

    the main thing that's making me wary of upping my dose is i did have some very odd feelings in my chest right after doing cardio one day. i posted it in another thread, but basically i took my clen right before my cardio and i was doing my cardio at about 160bpm (i know, that's way too high while taking clen, i found out the hard way). those two things in themselves were probably the issues, but i just don't want to up my dose more and have that happen again, possibly even worse cause of a higher dose.

    at this point, i guess i could try upping it another 20mcg, cause i don't think that would be too much of an increase. just when it comes to my heart i'd rather play it safe, but maybe i'm just overconcerned?

  7. #7
    velvetlion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    well, right now my sides aren't that bad. my hands are a bit shaky, constant anxious feeling, and a slight pressure in my chest. the only thing that bothers me at all is the pressure in my chest. not cause it's painful in the least bit, it's just cause i'm uncomfortable not knowing exactly what it is. it comes and goes, but doesn't get worse when i work out or do cardio, so it doesn't seem heart-related.

    the main thing that's making me wary of upping my dose is i did have some very odd feelings in my chest right after doing cardio one day. i posted it in another thread, but basically i took my clen right before my cardio and i was doing my cardio at about 160bpm (i know, that's way too high while taking clen, i found out the hard way). those two things in themselves were probably the issues, but i just don't want to up my dose more and have that happen again, possibly even worse cause of a higher dose.

    at this point, i guess i could try upping it another 20mcg, cause i don't think that would be too much of an increase. just when it comes to my heart i'd rather play it safe, but maybe i'm just overconcerned?

    You are right, when it comes to your heart, you are better off playing it safe. Try to up it 20 and if you feel any problems with your heart, take it back down. The benefits from clen aren't worth risking any health issues.

  8. #8
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    alright, i'll give upping it another 20mcg a shot. think i'll do 40mcg am, 40 noon, then the last 40 right after my workout around 7pm. thanks for all your advice, i really appreciate it and will hopefully be able to return the favor down the road.

  9. #9
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    just wanted to add something else i think i just noticed. i've been checking my body temp a lot today, and it seems like whenever i'm active or outside where it's hot, my body temp shoots up. however, if i'm inside for a while sitting down or just relaxing, my body temp quickly goes back to normal. maybe i already am taking enough clen , but it's only boosting my bodies temp when i'm active or in a warmer environment? from what i've seen today by checking my body temp often, that's what it seems like is happening.

  10. #10
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Liquid or tabs? Makes a big difference. If tabs it is near impossible to get an accurate dosage/tab being it is measured in micrograms. This might be your problem? If liquid, then I'm stumped.

  11. #11
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    Liquid or tabs? Makes a big difference. If tabs it is near impossible to get an accurate dosage/tab being it is measured in micrograms. This might be your problem? If liquid, then I'm stumped.
    i have the tabs, oxyflux from rayere.

  12. #12
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    That could possibly be the problem. Imagine trying to get 20mcg into a single tab when you are making thousands at a time.
    Near impossible. I'd stick to liquid for now on IMO.

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