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  1. #1
    wes cst rydr's Avatar
    wes cst rydr is offline Associate Member
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    getting stronger and still growing(is this normal?)

    whats up everyone? been off three weeks now on nolv for 2 weeks.when i was on i was starting topeak and having trouble gaining at the 3 weeks out and on nolv starting to get even stronger and growing still. example 3 weeks ago legs were looking good. today legs are bigger and aquired about 7 stretch marks.every thing is is growing again? is this common or am i just some kind of freak? taking nolv and trib the boys keep going up and down does this mean ill have them back soon? boys= balls.thanks guys give me some feed back

  2. #2
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    I get good gains when I come off, after last cycle I almost didnt want to go back on because there was almost no need to, but then I thought twice about how close summer was getting.

  3. #3
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    it depend's what the cycle was if it was a cutter and your calories was reduced. Then you bump them up going into pct then yes growth can be achieved

  4. #4
    castertroy's Avatar
    castertroy is offline Associate Member
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    what is the best way to acheive this ( making sure you keep gaining instead of loosing mass and strength when finishing a cycle)? im not looking forward to the depresion of loosing gains.

  5. #5
    wes cst rydr's Avatar
    wes cst rydr is offline Associate Member
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    cycle was a bulking. im just wondering how long this will last.not complaining though. feeling great. except the boys are not back yet.hopefully soon they will drop!

  6. #6
    ludakris9 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by castertroy
    what is the best way to acheive this ( making sure you keep gaining instead of loosing mass and strength when finishing a cycle)? im not looking forward to the depresion of loosing gains.
    I like to take clen because it helps me burn fat and it aids in building my muscles. Good diet and hit the gym will also help.

  7. #7
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
    AnabolicAndre is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yea man youre growing, let it growwwwww. It could be your body is reacting to not having an influx of anabolic agents and its upping its own natural protein synthesis...Anyway keep growing, dont complain

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