I need advice with this compound. I have read enough info on the different tren compounds in the last two years to fill a garbage truck.
The thing is, not many have ever used parabolin. I used it once and I just took my first 200 last night.
I am knowledgeable on HCG and PCT, and I will choose Nolv and Aromasin with HCG first and HCG through cycle.
My cycle:
1-13 Test E 500 wk
1-7 Parabolin 400 wk
1-13 EQ 400 OR 600 (Help here?)
14-15 Test Prop 100 eod
Adex .5 day, Nolv 12.5 day, Dostinex .25 E3D, milk thistle, flax, solid diet (cutting now...but looking for slow gained pounds that stay on and that is why I loved running parabolin so much last time)
I will run the parabolin longer if I have less sides this time using the Dost...sex drive was dead even with some test. (HRT)
I have some anavar and I was going to add it at the end probably for 4 weeks. I also have Tren Ace, but I don't want to jump start Tren. Strong enough as it is.
Stats: 230, 16%, 6', 4 Cycles...but none in the last 10 months. I had surgury and my bf went up...
Looking to add 12 keepable pounds and shed fat down to whatever I have to get the abs that I have never had....I swear to that.