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Thread: oops...

  1. #1
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Okay, I'm in the bathroom stall at work. I use the 2nd floor washroom for those who care because there USUALLY aren't many people in there. Anyway, I'm getting ready to shoot pgf2a in my tri's...which are starting to fucking sting by the way since I just shot a few minutes ago (I may also have to go use the "facilities" as well half-way through this so if there is a break in continuity you'll know why). Anyway, I fucking slipped and jabbed myself in the finger, bending the needle to a near 90 degree angle. There's blood spurting out on the floor and I'm thinking, "Ah fuck, can I still use this pin [which is loaded and I have one more only for my other tri]?" My answer: Why not?
    ***Damn, bathroom calls hold on a sec.***
    Okay, where was I? Yeah, so I decide to shoot anyway at one hell of an awkward angle. Some fucking jackasses came in the bathroom at that point. One of the dicks decides to use the stall next to mine. So, I shoot anyways, it all goes in okay, and I pull out. Man, did it ever end up being a bleeder. So, I've now got blood pouring down my arm and onto the floor and I'm hoping the asswipe in the next stall doesn't notice. He left, fortunately. Man, it was a massacre. I shot the other tri with no problems at least. If that one had bled too I would have passed out - which I'm impressed I didn't as it is. It took me a little while to clean up all the blood. At that point, a team of highly trained ninjas entered the bathroom. They came at me from left and right. Fortunately, I always carry a sword in my pants, so I yanked that fucker out with a fierce determination in my eyes. It was a terrible battle but I overcame the onslaught and took out every last one of those damn ninjas. Okay, so the ninja part was a bit of an exagerration.

    Anybody else got any stories to share?

  2. #2
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    used to take slin shots in my office, fastest shots i ever take..LOL i can relate

  3. #3
    babysqeeze's Avatar
    babysqeeze is offline Associate Member
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    i was out at a bar last night (not drinking). a good buddy of mine came over to me. i hadnt seen this guy in maybe 6 days. he says did someone put an airhose up your ass. i thought it was pretty funny.

  4. #4
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    That is pretty funny. I assume you are on a cycle, but did he know that?

  5. #5
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    i know your dilema my friend

    like two weeks ago i was shooting my prop in the stall of my gym and like a fuckign idiot as i was changing the pins from a 18( to draw out) to a 23, i dropped the 23 and it fell out from the stall and it slid across the floor into the area where peopel were changing!!!!these two goofy ass businessman dorks went to pick it up because i busted out of the stall and saw one of them ready to grab it.i gave them the death stare nd just said w/ a smirk, "sucks to be diabetic".went back in the stall and did my thing after they were done changing.oh well such is life

  6. #6
    IronCy's Avatar
    IronCy is offline Senior Member
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    lol, Keep'em commin guys....sorry I have no funny stories to lend to this.

  7. #7
    tuff is offline Junior Member
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    Some unfortunate souls, but hey for what it is worth i thought it was funny as hell. Keep um comin
    Peace out

  8. #8
    LiftHeavy's Avatar
    LiftHeavy is offline Junior Member
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  9. #9
    EXCESS's Avatar
    EXCESS is offline Retired Moderator
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    I can't tell you how many times I've been locked in the bathroom pushing the plunger (on the syringe, dumbass ) and somebody knocks on the door and starts a conversation. I usually play actor and make shitting noises.

  10. #10
    Steak Helmet is offline Associate Member
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    PRetty fast come back PARTYBOY

    Damn funny...

  11. #11
    mike2112 is offline Associate Member
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    Re: oops...

    Originally posted by Nathan
    At that point, a team of highly trained ninjas entered the bathroom. They came at me from left and right. Fortunately, I always carry a sword in my pants, so I yanked that fucker out with a fierce determination in my eyes. It was a terrible battle but I overcame the onslaught and took out every last one of those damn ninjas. Okay, so the ninja part was a bit of an exagerration.
    It happened to me once...I hadn't my sword so I had to kill them with my hands!!

  12. #12
    PaPaPumP's Avatar
    PaPaPumP is offline Retired Moderator
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    Outside your bedroom wind
    Nathan, please start posting like that again here. There's some new people that haven't seen the real you. You have got one hell of an imagination, and I miss your comic relief.

    Pboy- good save...pretty boy
    Ex- you ain't getting caught shooting stuff. we all know what you're really doing in there. sicko.
    D- that is just hilarious. i can just imagine what she told her co workers. "some 300lb gorilla man was naked in the bathroom shooting heroin" hahaha its like 3 15 am and im still dying over here laughin at that one.

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