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  1. #1
    Dima is offline New Member
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    PCT: Nolvadex or Clomid?

    Hello, i'm in the last week of my cycle (actually 8 weeks: last shot of test enanthate taken 3 weeks ago and last shot of nandrolone phenylpropionate taken 17 days ago...only winny EOD and proviron from then on...anyway a "light" cycle).

    some questions:
    1) given the information above can I start PCT right after the last shot of winny (that will occur on monday)? i've seen various articles stating that one should wait 4 weeks after the last shot of nandrolone decaonate but i could't find any articles regarding phenylpropionate and PCT (i assume that 2 to 3 weeks are enough given the shorter half life of phenylpropionate but every suggestion is welcome )
    2) i've got plenty of Nolva on hand while i find getting Clomid much more difficult...can i use just Nolvadex ? and just in case how much Nolva should i take? actually i've always used Clomid (300mg 1st day; 100mg day 2-10; 50 mg day 11-21) after AAS with good results...can i achieve the same results using only Nolva or Clomid remains a better product to recover after a cycle? and should i stop taking proviron during the PCT?
    3)i've read that many of you here use Nolvadex during a cycle in order to prevent case you confirm that Nolvadex is a good alternative to Clomid could i start using Nolva today without waiting for the end of the cycle?this time i've exeperienced a little bit of gyno (nothing really's barely visible).
    4) for the next cycle what do you suggest: running Nolva from day 1 odf the cycle? what about arimidex ? does the use of Nova/arimidex affect gains?

    Thank you in advance for yor attention and...sorry for my poor English: i hope my point is clear though

  2. #2
    viperbin is offline Associate Member
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    lol to many fockin questions man... do some research on ur own and if u cant find it then ask the bros on here.. run both nolva and clo. they do totally different things man... maybe even throw in some hcg

  3. #3
    viperbin is offline Associate Member
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    doctors have access to pct;s to... be open about it to ur doctor and good things will come, thats wat i patient confident.....

  4. #4
    moregunsthanroses's Avatar
    moregunsthanroses is offline Associate Member
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    yea both nolva and clomid are ideal for pct. you can order it from lion, if you have problems getting clomid. Letro or l-dex at .50mg's a day would be best to run during your cycle then the novla/clomid for pct. check the stickies

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dima
    Hello, i'm in the last week of my cycle (actually 8 weeks: last shot of test enanthate taken 3 weeks ago and last shot of nandrolone phenylpropionate taken 17 days ago...only winny EOD and proviron from then on...anyway a "light" cycle).

    some questions:
    1) given the information above can I start PCT right after the last shot of winny (that will occur on monday)? i've seen various articles stating that one should wait 4 weeks after the last shot of nandrolone decaonate but i could't find any articles regarding phenylpropionate and PCT (i assume that 2 to 3 weeks are enough given the shorter half life of phenylpropionate but every suggestion is welcome )

    Start PCT 24 hours after the last shot of Winny

    2) i've got plenty of Nolva on hand while i find getting Clomid much more difficult...can i use just Nolvadex ? and just in case how much Nolva should i take? actually i've always used Clomid (300mg 1st day; 100mg day 2-10; 50 mg day 11-21) after AAS with good results...can i achieve the same results using only Nolva or Clomid remains a better product to recover after a cycle? and should i stop taking proviron during the PCT?

    Read this about Nolvadex only PCT amd make your own choice. I would give it a try

    3)i've read that many of you here use Nolvadex during a cycle in order to prevent case you confirm that Nolvadex is a good alternative to Clomid could i start using Nolva today without waiting for the end of the cycle?this time i've exeperienced a little bit of gyno (nothing really's barely visible).

    Take 10mg Nolvadex a day now and up it to 20 when you start the Nolvadex only PCT cycle.

    4) for the next cycle what do you suggest: running Nolva from day 1 odf the cycle? what about arimidex ? does the use of Nova/arimidex affect gains?

    Your choice, some do some dont, if you are prone to gyno run 10mg Nolvadex ED. Keep the Arimidex on hand to use if you have a serious outbreak of gyno

    Thank you in advance for yor attention and...sorry for my poor English: i hope my point is clear though
    Questions answered in black above

  6. #6
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Not "or". Use both.

  7. #7
    Dima is offline New Member
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    First of all i'd like to thank you all for your help : much appreciated!

    from the article Kale's linked it seems that Nolva and Clomid actually produce similar effects but with an important difference: Nolva seems much more dose-effective.
    Correct me if i'm wrong: in other words at LEAST the same results i got with Clomid in my past PCT's experiences could be achieved using Nolva at 20 mg per day.
    Another important point from that article is that there's no evidence of any synergic effects using both Clo and (again correct me if i'm wrong) it looks like there's no apparent reason to use is enough and (if we remain stick to 1 compund) Nolva seems better.

    If everything is right i could be satisfied: as from my past exepriences a "Clomid only PCT" worked well then a "nolva only PCT" should work at least as much as well...BUT at some point the article throws in HCG (which from what i've understood forces the use Aromasin ) this necessary (Nolva/clomid alone don't work well) or it's something that make the recovery faster? i ask this because as i've stated before in my past experciences i got satifing results with clomid alone

  8. #8
    pmorris is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2006
    Nolvadex Wk 1-2 40mg Wk 2-4 20mg

    IMHO clomid is gross and makes you feel gross
    Last edited by pmorris; 03-26-2006 at 04:38 AM.

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