Ok I knew there was going to be some soreness associated with my prop injections. I did my first Prop injection on monday. I used a 27g 1/2" dart to inject 1 ml of 100mg/ml Prop into my left bicep. The pain was'nt too bad at first but by the middle of the night I could'nt even move my arm, I kept it straight and had too do so well into the morning, although its better now its still pretty damn sore still. I could'nt even flex my arm never mind go to the gym and do a bi workout. Is it common for a prop injection site to become this sore? Will the soreness decrease with frequency of shots? I am planning on rotating shots from bicep to tricep to shoulder, would the pain decrease if I only shot 1/2ml instead of 1ml into each muscle. This way I would do both left and right bi, tri, or shoulder with a 1/2 ml in each. Thanks guyz. Any info is apreciated. Peace