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Thread: what to take for a cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    what to take for a cycle

    Hey guys whats up? I am going to start a cycle for the summer and I
    was wondering if I could have some suggestions on what to take.
    My goal is to put on alot of muscle mass but look a little defined to.
    I am 23 5'7", 165lbs. I have taken Deca, T-4, test ethinate in the past
    I was thinking of maybe something like a stack of Deca & Sust. Is this
    okay or are there better ones to take. What kind of results can I expect from stacking.
    Thanks Bros

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    costa rica
    sus and dbol or test cyp and dbol and maybe some winny at the end.

    500mgs of sus for 10 weeks
    30mgs dbol 5 weeks

    400mgs test cyp for 10 weeks
    30mgs dbol for 5 weeks
    winny 50mgs ed weeks 6-10

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Welcome to AR

    Come up with a cycle that you think will work for your goals and the brothers will help you from there. You know your own body and goals better then any of us. You've cycled before use some of that info to help with your decision. What kind of results did you get with previous aas use, then compare those to your research of other aas, to help with a cycle. I know this is not what you were looking for, but I hope it helps.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Putting on good size and staying lean (or getting lean) at the same time is a double edged sword my friend...very difficult to do. I would recommend a nice bulking stack followed accompanied by a clean diet (high in complex carbs and protein) along with heavy lifting and moderate cardio. Stack should look like this:

    weeks 1-4 dbol @ 30-35mg/day
    weeks 1-10 deca @ 400mg/week
    weeks 1-10 sust @ 500mg/week

    *have nolvadex (or arimidex) in case of aromitization and clomid post cycle.

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