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Thread: depressed

  1. #1
    luther66 is offline New Member
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    My gear has got me going out of my mind,im depressed and full of roid rage ,thing is,ive only been on sus for 2 weeks at 500mg week,i feel very tired and humble alot too.

  2. #2
    davedizzle's Avatar
    davedizzle is offline Associate Member
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    Have you suffered from depression/anxiety ever before?
    I am interested as one of the main reasons i'm holding off is that I've been on anti-depressants for 7 years but have been coming off them slowly for the last couple of months.

  3. #3
    stocky121's Avatar
    stocky121 is offline VET~ Recognized Staff Winner - $100
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    if anyone suffer's from depression it's not a good idea to have your hormone's all over the place going on cycle and coming off
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    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

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  4. #4
    luther66 is offline New Member
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    Idont suffer with depression at all,its just come on in this last week or two,whats the best way to get my body back to normal without alot of weight loss.

  5. #5
    stocky121's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luther66
    Idont suffer with depression at all,its just come on in this last week or two,whats the best way to get my body back to normal without alot of weight loss.

    if you dont want to contiune with the cycle and i can see why. I would stop the sust and go into pct at 18-21 day's after last shot
    no open source posting
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    someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.

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  6. #6
    DarKOmeN's Avatar
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    true steds arnt the way to go if u have deppression steds may make it worse your hormones will be going crazy bro id lay off the gear till you sort ur deppression out....DaRkOmEn

  7. #7
    Butterfly23GrL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luther66
    My gear has got me going out of my mind,im depressed and full of roid rage,thing is,ive only been on sus for 2 weeks at 500mg week,i feel very tired and humble alot too.
    Let me go ahead and apologize before hand....I know I responded with a long post, but it could be helpful

    Here is a couple of things you can try:

    PHARMACEUTICAL-GRADE OMEGA 3 FISH OIL: This is going to be one of the most important things for you. This helps increase levels of seratonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine. I suggest that you visit - he is the creator of the zone diet and there is a lot of interesting information about pharmaceutical-grade fish oil's role in depression, disease, cancer, etc.

    1) L-Tryptophan or 5-HTP

    Tryptophan Depletion: The Path to Depression, Low Self-esteem, Obsession and Eating Disorders

    6-week study of 63 people were given either 5-HTP (100 mg 3 times daily) or an SSRI (Fluvoxamine,50 mg 3 times daily). Rearchers found equal benefit between the supplement and the psychoactive drug.However,5-hydroxytryptophan caused fewer and less severe side effects (Byerley,1987). - I know that seems like a while ago, but there have been multiple studies since then...this was just the easiest to access

    Serotonin,one of the brain's four key mood regulators, is made from the amino acid L-tryptophan. L-tryptophan is only found in high amounts in certain foods, so whenever you start dieting tryptophan is one of the first nutrients you start to lose. A new study shows that serotonin levels can drop too low within seven hours of tryptophan depletion.

    The conversion of L-tryptophan to Serotonin is a two-step process:

    First, L-tryptophan is converted into 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP),and 5-hydroxytryptophan is then, in turn,converted into Serotonin.5-hydroxytryptophan is well-absorbed with approximately 70% of an oral dose reaching the bloodstream.This is the basic process by which Serotonin is produced from food.

    5-hydroxytryptophan differs from Tryptophan in that it slightly increases the activity of an energizing neurotransmitter,Norepinephrine, as well as the calming one,Serotonin.In some scientific studies,5-hydroxytryptophan outperformed Tryptophan in treating mood disorders. It has also proved therapeutic for some who failed to respond to standard antidepressant drugs.The greater the agitation associated with depression, the more likely the response to 5-hydroxytryptophan.

    5-hydroxytryptophan is extracted from the seeds of the African Griffonia Simplicifoliaplant using an alcoholic extraction process that produces an oily solid. The oily extract is then purified into a dry solid. Standard preparations available as 25, 50, and 100 mg capsules or tablets. 5-HTP dietary supplements help raise Serotonin levels in the brain. It has been shown to help with the following processes and functions: sleep, mood, anxiety, aggression, appetite, temperature, sexual behavior, and pain sensation. Recent research studies have confirmed the effectiveness of using just a few targeted amino acid ‘precursors’ to increase the key neurotransmitters involved in our mental health.

    Some experts recommend taking 50 to 100 mg of 5-hydroxytryptophan per day for most conditions. Higher doses of 5-HTP are necessary to produce beneficial results in certain conditions.Seek the advice of your health care provider before taking more than 100 mg of 5-hydroxytryptophan per day.


    Recent research has proven the effectiveness of amino acid therapy in fighting depression.Both Phenylalanine and Tyrosine have been found to be as effective as the antidepressant drug Imipramine.Tryptophan, which the body converts into the precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), has also been found to be as effective as the synthetic antidepressants commonly used in clinical practice (Cass,1998).

    Tyrosine - the building block needed to synthesize norepinephrine and epinephrine in your brain (mood regulators along with seratonin) - here is a link you can go to in order to find out more on tyrosine's role in depression:

    3) Vitamin C 500-1000 mg/ 3x daily

    4) Vitamin E, 200-400 I.U. daily

    5) SAM, 200 mg twice daily for the first 2 days, 400 mg twice daily days 3 through 9, 400 mg three times daily on days 10 through 19, full dosage of 400 mg four times daily after 20 days if needed.

    6) Folic acid and Vitamin B12, 1000 micrograms of each daily

    7)Valerian root (Valerian officinalis)—may improve symptoms of insomnia associated with depression

    8) Damiana (Turnera diffusa)mayreduce sexual dysfunction associated with many antidepressant medications

    9) Ginseng (Panax ginseng)mayhelp the body resist stress
    10) If under the age of 30 - St. John's Wort extract (0.3% hypericin), 300 mg/ 3x per day

    11) If you're over the age of 50, Ginkgo biloba extract (24% ginkgo flavonglycosides), 80 mg/ 3x day

  8. #8
    Booz's Avatar
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    No need to apoligize B you are only trying to help.............................

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  9. #9
    Big Bapper's Avatar
    Big Bapper is offline Member
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    Anadrol and Dbol gives me depression. I am pretty much fine on everything else. Depression should not be left untreated, If its causing problems come of your cycle and do PCT on that note Clomid is also known for depression. Then maby try somthing less strong like Primo or Var.

  10. #10
    pinhead is offline Junior Member
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    in your head
    are you splitting your injections 250 2 x's a week?

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luther66
    My gear has got me going out of my mind,im depressed and full of roid rage,thing is,ive only been on sus for 2 weeks at 500mg week,i feel very tired and humble alot too.
    You should channel all the so called roid rage into your workouts, alot of this is in the head, all about mind control, focus on whats important and what makes your happy, ive never experienced depression while on a cycle but ive had some bad demons in my head when ive come off certain cycles(long ones). i thought my world had come to an end but you must remain strong and overcome it.

    Being on a cycle should make you feel on top of the world, concentrate on building muscle and train hard/sleep/eat and force yourself past it.

  12. #12
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've seen articles where they mention TEST therapy as an anti-depressant..
    ofcourse that has very little to do with Cycling ON and OFF.

    In the end tho, I say lay off the gear man, if u got issues in the head, things arent gonna get any simpler by juicing.

  13. #13
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hang in ther dude. You pic's look great. You got a lot to live for. Your depression will soon be gone. We all get depressed.

  14. #14
    ace ventura is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinhead
    are you splitting your injections 250 2 x's a week?
    My thought exactly.. maybe the levels are unstable.. sustanon need to be injected each other day to prevent sides such as mood swings..

  15. #15
    luther66 is offline New Member
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    Thankyou all for the information,i split the injections to monday and thursday,i think ill take everyones advise here,try my diet,add vitamins and minerals,take 1x250mg sus every second day and add deca to my cycle maybe 500mg week,thanks to all,ill see how it goes.

  16. #16
    simm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ufa
    Hang in ther dude. You pic's look great. You got a lot to live for. Your depression will soon be gone. We all get depressed.
    Shit man..The guy didn't say he wants to top himself..Course he has lots to live for,just take it easy with the gear and select a milder choice! I suffer from bi-polar disorder and i take gear too! :-)

  17. #17
    BigChris's Avatar
    BigChris is offline Junior Member
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    Hey man what you need to do is try and get the fact that you are on gear out of your head whilst you are not in the gym. Focus on other things, and if you have to think about it then remember all the good it CAN is easy to throw the blame on the roids when something goes wrong, just as it is easy to get depressed - but remember in the end it is a state of mind and your choice.
    Last edited by BigChris; 03-27-2006 at 03:52 AM.

  18. #18
    BigChris's Avatar
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    Oh and by the way the 5-HTP mentioned by Butterfly23GrL really can make a difference! Like most things it needs time to kick in (2 weeks +), but it does raise serotonin levels greatly.

  19. #19
    Killzone's Avatar
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    I am a new member but have had that reaction before to some sus. Ups and downs. I tends to pass for me after a few weeks. Just got to learn to control the mood swings. Good luck

  20. #20
    luther66 is offline New Member
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    My god chris,ive never seen anyone so big in all my life,jesus man,what do you take,oh,thanks for the info,whats 5-htp.?

  21. #21
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by simm
    Shit man..The guy didn't say he wants to top himself..Course he has lots to live for,just take it easy with the gear and select a milder choice! I suffer from bi-polar disorder and i take gear too! :-)
    What meds do you take bro?

  22. #22
    BigChris's Avatar
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    ...if only I was that big
    Last edited by BigChris; 03-27-2006 at 03:52 AM.

  23. #23
    rast4man's Avatar
    rast4man is offline Junior Member
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    I have battled with anxiety and mild depression for roughly 10 years. I currently take Celexa and Ativan to help with it. The only compound that gives me more anxiety and a bit more aggression is Tren Ace. I use GABA at about 2g daily and that helps tremendously. I am currently experimenting with 5HTP, but it seems to give me a headache so far.

    I have talked extensively with doctors about my AAS use and the fact that I am on anxiolytics and benzos and they have all agreed; there "shouldn't" be anything wrong so long as the necessary steps are taken in order to maintain a healthy balance while on. What does this mean? VITAMINS AND MINERALS! You have to have adequate supplementation and also proper stress management.

  24. #24
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    Have your balls sucked back up? If so, that's a sign that it might be time to throw in the HCG . That really helped with my depression.

  25. #25
    Defconx3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by notanormalgent
    Have your balls sucked back up? If so, that's a sign that it might be time to throw in the HCG. That really helped with my depression.
    Hmm, thats a really good thought. There was someone above that suggested that he should try something lighter like anavar or primobolan , but I am on an anavar/primo/test cycle right now and I have never had depression problems in the past while on cycle, I've always felt like the baddest mofo ever. However, I'm only 3.5 weeks in and the depression is getting worse than ever. I am usually able to take a step back and think to myself "I am on steroids , they are just messing with my mind right now, dont let it get to you". Lately though I am beginning to have trouble knowing what is "real" and what isnt.

    Back on topic, in relation to this, I have noticed that my balls have REALLY shrunken. Perhaps there is a corellation?

    I'm thinking of running 100-200 IU HCG every 3 days for the remainder of my cycle, any vets care to guess if this would be of help or not?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Defconx3
    I'm thinking of running 100-200 IU HCG every 3 days for the remainder of my cycle, any vets care to guess if this would be of help or not?
    From the research I've done, the recommended dose is 500iu twice a week. That's the dosage I'm using and everything is going great.

  27. #27
    rast4man's Avatar
    rast4man is offline Junior Member
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    500iu every 5 days during cycle works extremely well too.

  28. #28
    Defconx3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by notanormalgent
    From the research I've done, the recommended dose is 500iu twice a week. That's the dosage I'm using and everything is going great.
    You taking it while your on, correct? I figure I may as well do it since I have a lot of HCG sitting around, not to mention it should make PCT a breeze.

  29. #29
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    You should channel all the so called roid rage into your workouts, alot of this is in the head, all about mind control, focus on whats important and what makes your happy, ive never experienced depression while on a cycle but ive had some bad demons in my head when ive come off certain cycles(long ones). i thought my world had come to an end but you must remain strong and overcome it.

    Being on a cycle should make you feel on top of the world, concentrate on building muscle and train hard/sleep/eat and force yourself past it.
    i agree completely here. i used to have issues with anxiety attacks. they bothered me for quite a while during a stressed out period in my life. but rather than depending on drugs or avoiding certain things, i pushed through it. now, i know there's no chance of me ever having an anxiety attack again cause i overcame it mentally, and it was exhilerating and enlightening to do so. don't run from your issues, confront them. if the gear is bringing out depression issues for you, there's something deeper here you need to work on. i wish you luck however you choose to deal with this situation.

  30. #30
    Testsubject's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigChris
    ...if only I was that big

    (you are probably referring to the pic of Ronnie!)
    this is completely off topic, but I hope you dont think thats ronnie in your avi. Flex wheeler baby!

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Defconx3
    You taking it while your on, correct? I figure I may as well do it since I have a lot of HCG sitting around, not to mention it should make PCT a breeze.
    Yes, take it while on. It'll definitely make PCT much easier!

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