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Abuse reported
Last edited by Auto54; 02-12-2009 at 12:12 PM.
I did quads 90% of the time for both of my two cycles. only other site was delts, and those weren't too bad, just a little harder to get to. quads are easy.
Quad shots for me. Yeah you hit a nerve every now and then, more on my right side than my left, but that's prolly just my technique. Although I'd like to give my quads a little rest, I'm short on other locations. Glutes are damn tough and delts are out of the question, I can hardly reach across.
I'm thinking hams, anyone ever hit those? What about the center quad muscle?
[QUOTE=Hard Head] delts are out of the question, I can hardly reach across.
Hercules, Hercules, Hercules!
I can reach, Apparently I'm not big enough yet where I'm unable to.
I used to roll my eyes everytime I read another thread about hitting nerves, because I was batting 1000 and never hit one...Until this morning of course.
Hit one in the F-ing delt, of all places. Kept shooting of course, now it feels like I had a run-in with the LAPD.
where are different places to inject into quad?
ONCE AGAINOriginally Posted by Prod
Originally Posted by Ih8urdsm
WTF?! Your avatar cracks me up!!![]()
Originally Posted by Testostack
I was in a weird mood this morning, what can I say.
I watched bloodsport for the 435th time themother day, and then this morning I saw a commercial with the kid from Napoleon Dynamite, and one thing led to another.
I just watched bloodsport last night (only the first half, i didn't have the stamina to watch any more) for the first time and I can honestly say that it is the worst movie ever made. JCVD is a terrible actor and his whiny french tone makes every scene painful.
It does my heart good knowing that his ex-bodyguard beat his ass up.
EDIT: Sorry to thread jack.
Last edited by DwinsChamps; 03-27-2006 at 03:41 PM.
It's amazing how some of these threads get side tracked.
i think the ass is the safe bet, ive had 1ml shots of win dep thru tiny 27ga needle that have caused me agony in the quads, had 3ml shots of andropen or sus thru 21 ga needle in the ass and never had any pain or discomfort... albeit much easier to jab in the quad as u can see what ya doing but the ass is the best and safest,,, plus if u get any acne on ya ass no-one can see it,, makes sense all round. as for delts,, i think people only jab winny etc in delts because they believe in the myth of localised growth,,, and it is a myth,, all u end up with is hideos acne if repeated jabs in delts or tri's and even accutane and tanning dont remove all the scarring.
slin pin in bi's are a cakewalk. Just hit each bi ED for 8 days, no problems.Originally Posted by stayinstacked
As far as quads go, I used to like them until I hit my first nerve (which made my big toe spasm) and the first few veins that "pop" when you puncture them and then spurt out. No more quads..........
thats why you shoot the side of the quad, never the front.Originally Posted by Cuttup
ive been doing all glute shots...will try quads starting next week...
quads are the easiest for me, dont have to contort my body to get a clean injection.
Don't think if your first injection went bad, the second would be with the same result. I aslo heard many scary stories about quad inj. One day I said fvck it and tried it myself and it was the best one I ever had compared to glutes and delts. However, when I did my second inj into the second quad, i hit the nerve and i felt it right away, no pain though, just lil unpleasant, so I pulled out my dart and used another spot.
My point is you guys are freakin' BODYBUILDERS, and you can't handle little pain?..
Every person is different, so try it YOURself and have your OWN opinion about it.
Last edited by Max33; 03-27-2006 at 08:44 PM.
Let's see.. I can put 3ml in my glute medius.. no problem.
1cc in my quads and i walk with a limp for 7 days.
Which would i shoot with preference?![]()
Glutes of course
I guess some guys only like it in the ass! LOL.
ass man n proud
I agree.....except that I also inject with no problem in the glutes. Glutes and quads give you eight injection sites, the only difference being that you can inject 3CCs a glute, but I dont do anymore than 2CCs in the quads. So what that means is this, IMO, 6CCs a week in the glutes and 6CCs a week in each quad, giving you enough sites to inject 18CCs of whatever you desire a week. You get use to it. Just use sterile precations durring every injection no matter what. Clean injection site with alcohol everytime you inject and never use the same syringe or needle more than once. I have had a coup[le beers tonite, so what the f-ck ever, I just hope I save someone from getting an infection. Never get complacent (spelling correct?) in your injection procedure. Im out......Originally Posted by Copperhead947
Oh ya.....Like I said, sterlity is of the utmost importance, but I can tell you from excperience that the more yuo do it, the easier it gets ( meaning less pain) or you just get use to it.Originally Posted by Nickster#1
i've been finding lately im gettin more paranoid before injecting its ****in gay you'd think it'd be the other way around, and i've only had 2 bad injections, where it was an intense burn from the second the needle went in till the last bit of oil was injected, i hate having a needle phobia, still not enough to keep me off the juice tho
I always ut in the leg, I can see exactly what is happening and found out were not to put the needle, found a nerve once or twice. Never do that again. I find that I have plenty of space on the outer side of the leg. I only inject IM once a week so this is not a problem.
As a pretty big (unflexible) guy I have hard time reaching the glutes (especially aspiration is a bitch)... Delts are my favourites.. quads pretty easy but I do hit a vein too often from theer.. just aspirated blood from there yday.
Figured I would inform you guys that shooting my glute is by far the most uncomfortable thing I have done yet...def sticking with quads.
Its easier to lay down and do glutes. More stability.
i did 20 shots in my last cycle and 3 of them were in the quad and every one was sore as hell.
in order of preference
Middle Delt
Front Delt
I never take it in glute, i just dont like it at all.
I can take 3ml in every part but 5ml in quads.
I read about some guy that injected IN THE ANUS? somebody remember that guy?
Originally Posted by liftinghard
i dont know about other members, but i always shoot into my quads. i have never shot up anywhere else, except for my calf once which was a serious mistake
i have shot in the ass and quad....i will use either whatever floats my boat at the moment....
from my personal experience, i am fearful to shoot in my quads again. did it once and was limping for a week.
the first time is a _itch but after that peace of cake. i dont about sticking any nerves you all must be shoting some where besides the outside of the leg i have never had a problem with hitting a nerveOriginally Posted by AnatomicallyBlessed
Me too...Originally Posted by Trendkill
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