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  1. #1
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    Attention Var users at 80mg-100mg per day..

    those of you taking var at 80 -100mg per day, how much of a difference is it from 60mg to 80mg a day? its my first time using var, no doubt its pretty good but not really Strong, ive lost bf, gained some weight and some muscle but so far its not that explosive im into wk 4 now..u guys think i should bump it to 80mg a day? my diet is flawless and i never drink, miss meals, or training, i just wanted to try it to gain some size before a summer competition, i plan on using var to harden up for the comp, so this is my first var run...

    currently im up about 6-7 lbs and probably dropped about 1.5-2% BF , some strength gains but nothing special...and some vascularity but no "painful" pumps yet...

  2. #2
    Cuttup's Avatar
    Cuttup is offline Senior Member
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    60 mg sounds good. youve only been at it for 4 weeks and i hear it takes 8 weeks to really kick in...i say stay with 60 9 unless you can afford 80mg $$$ ) for another couple of weeks...Im on var.. in week to at 40 mg per day..and i way 247-250lbs....

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    those of you taking var at 80 -100mg per day, how much of a difference is it from 60mg to 80mg a day? its my first time using var, no doubt its pretty good but not really Strong, ive lost bf, gained some weight and some muscle but so far its not that explosive im into wk 4 now..u guys think i should bump it to 80mg a day? my diet is flawless and i never drink, miss meals, or training, i just wanted to try it to gain some size before a summer competition, i plan on using var to harden up for the comp, so this is my first var run...

    currently im up about 6-7 lbs and probably dropped about 1.5-2% BF , some strength gains but nothing special...and some vascularity but no "painful" pumps yet...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup
    60 mg sounds good. youve only been at it for 4 weeks and i hear it takes 8 weeks to really kick in...i say stay with 60 9 unless you can afford 80mg $$$ ) for another couple of weeks...Im on var.. in week to at 40 mg per day..and i way 247-250lbs....
    I dont know where you got your information from but anavar is in you a hell of alot faster than 8 wks. And the difference between 40-60mg and 80-100mg is not as much as you'd think. IMO 80mg is when the risks start to outweight the benefits of the drug, and the gains are not that much more, if any, better than 40-60mg/day. However, there is definitely a vast difference between say 20mg/day and 40mg/day.

  4. #4
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    Also, anavar is not one of those drugs thats gonna slap 20 lbs on you in 8 wks, I dont care what dosage your at. It's more of a quality drug that'll give you a more dense look and aid along with your diet in fat loss. You may gain a few lbs off it, but nothing dramatic unless your stacking it with something else.

  5. #5
    Defconx3's Avatar
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    Thats interesting that you say that, I have always heard that 75mg+ is a substantially different experience from 40-60mg/ed. I am currently running it at 75mg/ed and I have not been blown away, but I am steadily increasing in weights.

  6. #6
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    use the least amount necessary to obtain the results you are looking for..

    i have run both.. i prefer 50mg 2x per day..
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  7. #7
    Cuttup's Avatar
    Cuttup is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    I dont know where you got your information from but anavar is in you a hell of alot faster than 8 wks. And the difference between 40-60mg and 80-100mg is not as much as you'd think. IMO 80mg is when the risks start to outweight the benefits of the drug, and the gains are not that much more, if any, better than 40-60mg/day. However, there is definitely a vast difference between say 20mg/day and 40mg/day.
    sounds like youve misunderstood point is that there is no way he has gained 6-7 pounds of muscle and dropped Bf in 4 weeks off Var,..he shouldnt expect to see anything close to that until at least 8 weeks..if running var alone..
    it shoulod bring every vein in his body out and gradually increase his strength..but not like described in 4 weeks.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuttup
    sounds like youve misunderstood point is that there is no way he has gained 6-7 pounds of muscle and dropped Bf in 4 weeks off Var,..he shouldnt expect to see anything close to that until at least 8 weeks..if running var alone..
    it shoulod bring every vein in his body out and gradually increase his strength..but not like described in 4 weeks.

    oh ok, I got ya. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I read it as you were saying it was taking 8 weeks to kick in. My fault

  9. #9
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    good advice... i was considering bumping it up because im only gonna use it to gain a bit of muscle before i start my competition diet in late may--which will include a cycle of test prop and var as well, so is bumping it another 3 weeks even worth it? even if i bump it to 70mg a day? i opted to do only 6 weeks so i have time to PCT and then rest a bit then go into my contest diet and contest far as competition goes, should i keep it at 60mg a day too? at a lower bf ill probably see more veins and pumps at around 8.5 % now...

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    good advice... i was considering bumping it up because im only gonna use it to gain a bit of muscle before i start my competition diet in late may--which will include a cycle of test prop and var as well, so is bumping it another 3 weeks even worth it? even if i bump it to 70mg a day? i opted to do only 6 weeks so i have time to PCT and then rest a bit then go into my contest diet and contest far as competition goes, should i keep it at 60mg a day too? at a lower bf ill probably see more veins and pumps at around 8.5 % now...

    I'm not saying its going to hurt anything bumping up right now, but I just dont see any reason to when its only your first run w/ it. Your definitely going to get results w/ the dosage your at now. If it were myself, and as expensive as anavar can sometimes be, I'd save the remainder for my contest prep. And 60mg/day is nothing to sneeze at as far as a dose goes. For contest prep your probably going to be taking something like winstrol or tren also, and again I think 60mg of the var is plenty. It's up to you man, but why up dosages when your gaining steady on what you have. Getting greedy with this is how bad shit and sides happen.

  11. #11
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    well, i can get var at a great price, but yea i understand what your is always a factor when i supplement anything..maybe ill stick at 60mg then next bulker ill try 70 or 80...

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