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Thread: how should i run this test

  1. #1

    how should i run this test

    i posted earlier about my cycle but i started today and i changed it..

    i have 30ml of test e 250mg/1ml
    and i am stacking 125mg dbol a week with this for 4 weeks...
    i wanted deca but when my guy showed up he said all he had was test so i took what i could get..

    anyway, how should i run the test.. i took the first shot today..

    i was thinking maybe running a shot monday, wednesday, friday for 10 weeks... 750mg test plus 125 dbol week for 10 weeks....

    or would it be better to just take 2 shots, 500mg week for however long that will last...its too late for me to do the math...


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    what are your stats? cycle experience? If you are a first time user 500mg a week would be plenty. 250mg on mondays and thursdays.

  3. #3
    24 y/o
    6'0 175

    this will be my third cycle..last june i had just come off a cycle of 600wk deca, 250 week test.. i got up to about 200 but then on august 14 the love of my life decided to drive me home from a party at 3 am cause i was passed out.. first time id drank in about 3 months from being on my cycle...anyway story goes 2 day old BMW maybe 500 miles on it she takes it into the back of parked car on the interstate doing over 80mph.. i had no seat belt on and was passed out.. woke up in the hospital about 9 hours later..2 broke arms 3 broke ribs, 6 broken fingers, broken foot, broken tibia in right leg, countless number of stitches and a pissed off insurance agent that couldnt believe someone would total a $60,000 car before they even pay their first premium. i think i may have broken my ear, j/k, but i was really messed up..i just started working out again back in january..

    i just dont know if i want to low dose it for a longer time or if i should high dose it for a shorter time...

    oh yeah and never let an asian drive your car..they really cant drive..its not just a stereotype....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by sbeezay1325
    24 y/o
    6'0 175

    this will be my third cycle..last june i had just come off a cycle of 600wk deca, 250 week test.. i got up to about 200 but then on august 14 the love of my life decided to drive me home from a party at 3 am cause i was passed out.. first time id drank in about 3 months from being on my cycle...anyway story goes 2 day old BMW maybe 500 miles on it she takes it into the back of parked car on the interstate doing over 80mph.. i had no seat belt on and was passed out.. woke up in the hospital about 9 hours later..2 broke arms 3 broke ribs, 6 broken fingers, broken foot, broken tibia in right leg, countless number of stitches and a pissed off insurance agent that couldnt believe someone would total a $60,000 car before they even pay their first premium. i think i may have broken my ear, j/k, but i was really messed up..i just started working out again back in january..

    i just dont know if i want to low dose it for a longer time or if i should high dose it for a shorter time...

    oh yeah and never let an asian drive your car..they really cant drive..its not just a stereotype....

    yikes, thats rough, but atleast u hit it.

    i say low dose it for a longer time, let muscle memory do its thing... your skin should still be fairly streched n all that, u just need to get back to where you were.

  5. #5
    yeah all i want to do is get back to close to where as was... as long as im around 190-195 ill be happy...

    im not an amature at this stuff and i have done extensive research but what would be the difference in me running 750/week for 10 weeks as opposed to running 500/week for 15 weeks...or i guess what im asking is which should i do to maximize my results...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    run 500 first......see how it goes....

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