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Thread: iron bros need your thoughts!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    iron bros need your thoughts!

    hey bros,im ina bit of a dillema here,got done a cycle 9 weeks ago,(was a 10 week cycle 600 cyp,600 eq)have time to hit one more before i go to vaction( was pushed back) ,thinking of
    1-3 40 mg dbol
    1-8 600 enethate
    1-8 500 primo or 600 eq.
    or (whichone would u run since its summer and all)
    1-8 600 eq
    1-5 50 mgwinny ed
    dont know what to hit ,would the second cycle suprrress the hpta just as mnuch as the first one ,i mean supressing is supressing regardless rigth?they both will shut u down.what do u think?also since i ran 600 before if i where to run this one at 400 u think id gat gains ?or stick to 600?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    dude on that cycle your hpta is going to shut down no matter what. Clomid post cycle will put it back in place. what are your goals to totally bulk up or just gain some more muscle and stay lean?
    i wouldnt run both winny and dbol together.
    stick with
    1-8 600 test e
    1-8 600 eq
    winny however you want to run

    dude if this is your second cycle, why you running such high numbers? why do you care so much about supressing hpta?
    I dont think you need such high numbers to get good results. ALSO, you did a cycle 9 weeks ago right... if the cycle was 10 weeks long and clomid thearpy was 3 weeks after... and that didnt finish for another 3 weeks... that equals 16 weeks! Dude you should wait another 7 weeks before you start any cycle. BUT did you count the 9 weeks as after clomid?
    Important info needed before i can help.
    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    Either way, you are going to supress your htpa about the same...Liquidex everyday will eliminate water bloat from dbol/test if you want some quick size...You looking for huge gains? Slow gains that will be easier to keep? Do you want to cut? Is 8 weeks the max time you want to go?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    med man by fer this isnt my second cycle ,about the hpta thats what i thought just wanted to make sure bro,im thinking put on somesize andstay kinda lean but that has never really never been a problem for me.yea the 3 weeks of clomid where counted yea 8 weeks is aall igot.i think im gonna go ahead and do the first one fuck it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    take arimidex or liquidex...I'd say 4 weeks of Dbol would be better
    don't take so much test if it's only your second cycle bro...and definitly eq week 1-8 (I just think 8 weeks is a little short time for eq..)
    Clomid at the end of your cycle bro
    Last edited by mike2112; 06-05-2002 at 01:43 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    bros this sint my second or third cycle.all iwas asking was which stack would u do since its summer and all.and wanted to make sure that i was right on the hpta supression.but thanks anyway for the clomid suggestion

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