Hey Guys,
I am looking to do my 1st cycle in about 5 years. I have been working out for 15yrs on and off but mostly on. I am 5'10" 190lbs with about 14% body fat. I do about 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week and do weight training 4 times a week. (just some background) Here is the gear I have come up with. I need help with mapping out a cycle.
2- 10ml of decabol 250mg
2- 10ml of Test Cyp 200mg
2- 10ml of Trenabol 75mg
2- 10ml of Winstrol/Stanabol 50mg
i also have clen, nolva and arimidex.
Some please break this cycle down for me. Thanks for all of your help and the great info on the site.