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Thread: need some help

  1. #1

    Question need some help

    need some information i am a male 200 lbs been working out for 3 mo
    i wont to do a cycle of winstrol and deca dur injectables
    can some one please tell me how many ml's of each should i do per week
    and how should thay be spaced out

    thank !!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    No flame intended here bro but you really need to do more research. First of all you've only been working out for 3 should have AT LEAST a good solid year of training and proper diet under your belt before starting AAS. Second, it's not as easy as how many ml's per week bro as each drug has a differen't weight per ml. For example deca comes 50mg, 100mg, 200mg, 300mg.....each one of those values is based on 1ml (or 1 cc). Deca/winstrol is a good stack IMO but I don't think you're ready yet. We would be more than happy to help you with a good training program and diet. The balls in your court bro.

  3. #3
    The Winstrol is 50mg per mL.
    The Deca is 200mg per mL.

    If I was to go ahead with the cycle, how much of each should be done and how should they be spaced apart?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    So you're not gonna take my advice?

    Ok, that's your call. I would run it like this:

    weeks 1-10 deca @ 400mg/week (2 shots per week)
    weeks 3-8 winstrol @ 50mg/EOD
    week 13 clomid @ 300mg/day 1, 100mg/day x next 10 days, 50mg/day x next 10 days

  5. #5
    Thanks for the information there.

    Any help with the training program and diet would also be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks a lot,

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