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Thread: Connection between acne in the past and acne while using

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Connection between acne in the past and acne while using

    Has anybody heard any connection between getting acne when ur on a cycle/PCT and if you got it bad while you were younger. I had really bad acne going through puberty and it gradaully got better untill it was pretty much all gone when i started college. I wonder if people that had bad acne while going through puberty are more at risk to get it when doing a cycle/PCT. Comment? (trying to find out what to expect)

  2. #2
    i had minor acne durring puberty, and yes, durring pct i have minor acne and moderate acne on my back. So i think there is a conection. Luckily on my accutane right now so it should be a thing of the past..
    check out my other post on building an anti-acne cycle.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I had a pretty bad case of acne in my teens which eventually resulted in accutane. All my cycles were well after that and acne was never too much of a problem, but i don't know if that's because accutane had just shut me down so well. It was a considerable amount of time after my accutane treatment though it's hard for me to say. If yours just went away gradually without drugs my guess would be you might have an acne problem while on cycle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Alright thanx guys, I defeintly wouldnt be suprised if their is a corralation

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