How does this look for a second cycle. Current Stats:
33 yrs old
190 lbs @ 5'11
Training 4yrs.
Cycle Hist. Light Oral 7lb gain. Kept.
I am not competing just trying to put on some LM,
Additionally, is the HCG enough or do I need Clomid as well?
week of cycle SUSTANON250 mg amp ANADROL50mg tab HCG 5000I.U.
1 1 amp/week 1 tab/day
2 1 amp/week 1 tab/day
3 1 amp/week 1 tab/day
4 1 amp/week
5 1 amp/week
6 2 amps/week
7 1 amp/week 1 tab/day
8 1 amp/week 1 tab/day
9 2 amps/week 1 tab/day
10 1 amp/week
11 1 amp/week
12 1 amp/week
13 1 amp/week