this is a several part question. i started my cycle 3 weeks ago of dbol 25mg ed and sus 250 every 5 days. the dbol im running wks 1-4 and the sus wks 1-10. my problem is that my joints have started hurting almost to the point where i cant work out w the same intensity bc i cant hold the weights. i dont understand why they are hurting though bc im not using an anti-estrogen and the way i understand it they should only start to hurt when you use estrogen blockers bc lower estrogen means less collagen and water retention. right? but at the same time im starting to show signs of gyno so i need to use an anti estrogen bc i will take achy joints over bitch tits any day. and finally ive heard adding deca will help with the joint problems but the 5th week of my cycle is the earliest i could have it is that to late in the cycle to add that in?