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Thread: Basic's HELP !!

  1. #1
    fhorst's Avatar
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    Basic's HELP !!

    Just for my understanding: If
    - Test-E has an active life of 15 days, it will release everyday since the injection a 1/15 part of the test-e right? so a 500 mg per week will give a daily release of (2x500=1000/15= 66 mg of test-e ????

    - for Test Prop as it has an active life of 2 to 3 days, it will release everyday since the injection 1/2 to 1/3 of the test prop right?

    - for Tren Hex as it has an active life of 5 to 7 days, it will release everyday since the injection 1/5 to 1/7 of the Tren Hex right?

    I'm a bit confused as someone posted a nice thread some time ago on why you should shoot ED with sust to have stable levels

    Active life = releasing time? with a stable release of the substance?
    or will it give more the first days then the last?


  2. #2
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is online now Senior Member
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    Not completly sure what the question is but I will try to answer what I think it is. Sust is made up a several different tests and all those have short half lives. So EOD injections will keep blood levels more stable. Half life means that if you shoot 100mg on Monday and the half life is 3 days then on thursday you will have 50mg in your body.

  3. #3
    JimiW's Avatar
    JimiW is offline Junior Member
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    I had been thinking about the same thing so i did some research. According to what i saw (will look for the schematic and copy it here) Test E stays pretty stable but has a pretty sudden dropp off after day 5.
    When using the roidcalc and only entering 1 shot off test e @ 500mg you see that:
    Day | Active | Drop Off
    1 100%
    2 90% -10%
    3 82% -8%
    4 74% -7.7%
    5 67% -7%
    6 61% -6.3%
    10 41% -4.2% (since day 9)
    14 27% -3% (since day 13)

    I was amazed to see that at the end of day 28 still 33mg was active and at the end of week 7 there was still 8mg active.

    This seems like the opposite that the schematic told me and what i have been reading here. Cause here i dont really see a sudden drop off after day5.
    Is the roidcalc accurate?? or is the schematic with the drop off after day 5 accurate?
    Last edited by JimiW; 03-29-2006 at 04:39 AM.

  4. #4
    fhorst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04
    Not completly sure what the question is but I will try to answer what I think it is. Sust is made up a several different tests and all those have short half lives. So EOD injections will keep blood levels more stable. Half life means that if you shoot 100mg on Monday and the half life is 3 days then on thursday you will have 50mg in your body.
    So if I understand you correctly:
    If I shoot monday morning I have 50mg active test floating arround, the other 50mg is still bound to the ester
    On thuesday it will release the other 50mg
    om wednesday there is nothing left? so active life of 2 days?


    I shoot on monday morning, 1/3 = 33mg is released, testday teh oterh 33mg and wednesday the last 33 mg?

  5. #5
    Auto54 is offline Member
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  6. #6
    Auto54 is offline Member
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  7. #7
    Kappa Capo's Avatar
    Kappa Capo is offline Associate Member
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    I dont see the point in using sustanon at all.
    Choose a singeltestosteron ester instead, you will get more gains from that.

  8. #8
    fhorst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copperhead947
    I thought it was HALF life, and not active life. In other words, the gear (no matter what gear you are talking about) slowly releases until its all gone. Whatever the 1/2 life is then that's now long until, well, half of it is gone.

    Either way, the product slowly releases into your body... some faster (or slower) than others.
    I thought the same, but all the profiles talk about active life

    I also just want to be sure, as I have done cycles before with longer acting esters, but not with short ones.
    with Test-e it's simple, you take 500 or 750 a week, and after 5 or 6 weeks you "start building muscle"

    but what about the short ones, when are they ghone, and how much do they release.
    I'm taking Tren Hex, and the past 3 days I've injected about 300 mg of tren.
    ( 26-3 150 mg, 28-03 150mg)
    I'm shooting again on thursday. What should the dosage be if I want to get 50 to 75 mg a day?
    Sun = 150 (+ 250 sust, + 125 test-e)
    Thue = 150 (+ 250 sust, + 125 test-e)
    Thur = 150 (+ 250 sust, + 125test-e)

    (yes there is a gap, not eod as it is not possible to shoot for me on sat.
    but I try to make it as even as possible)

    Sun = 150(+ 250 sust, + 125test-e)
    Thue = 150 (+ 250 sust, + 125 test-e)
    Thur = 150 (+ 250 sust, + 125test-e)

    If I'm correct this will give me +/- 65mg tren a day and that should be OK right?
    According to the profile, a dosage of 300 - 500 mg a week should be OK.

    I'm just a bit afraid of the possible sides of tren, agresion wise.. I would be in big trouble if I could not control my temper. and as it is a long acting ester... i have to deal with the sides for at least 5 days..... and that's a long time grumpy!

  9. #9
    BigChris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fhorst
    So if I understand you correctly:
    If I shoot monday morning I have 50mg active test floating arround, the other 50mg is still bound to the ester
    On thuesday it will release the other 50mg
    om wednesday there is nothing left? so active life of 2 days?


    I shoot on monday morning, 1/3 = 33mg is released, testday teh oterh 33mg and wednesday the last 33 mg?
    I tried to put it in my own words but this quote says it the best:

    In medicine, the term half-life refers to the duration it takes for half of a given drug dosage to break down in the body. It is not half of the total activity time, as this figure always refers to the time it takes to metabolize 50% of what is in still the body. For example, if we inject 100mg a steroid with a half-life of 4 hours, at the four-hour mark we should have only 50mg left as active. After another four hours have passed the drug is still in the body, however another half-life has expired and the total active dosage will be around 25mg. It may take several half-lives before the drug is completely inactive.

  10. #10
    toc67guru is offline Associate Member
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    fhorst check your private messages.

  11. #11
    fhorst's Avatar
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    slowly the quarter is starting to fall...

    but what's the difference between Active life and Half life?

  12. #12
    BigChris's Avatar
    BigChris is offline Junior Member
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    Ative life is how long the drug is active in the body, half life is as per the uote above...the time it takes for half of the drug that's in the body to get metablolized.

    Ik hoop dat het steek houdt.

  13. #13
    fhorst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigChris
    Ative life is how long the drug is active in the body, half life is as per the uote above...the time it takes for half of the drug that's in the body to get metablolized.

    Ik hoop dat het steek houdt.
    you know some Dutch

    Life can be sometimes that simple.............. it told me all I need to know!
    (and ofc yours great feedback)

  14. #14
    Auto54 is offline Member
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    Last edited by Auto54; 02-12-2009 at 01:11 PM.

  15. #15
    fhorst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copperhead947
    If you don't see the point then you need to research it some more. I highly doubt I could have got more gains from a single ester than I'm getting right now from Sust.
    True, but you need to take "more" to get the same levels for the long esters.
    but you start to gain sooner

    I guess end result is the same.

  16. #16
    Auto54 is offline Member
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    Last edited by Auto54; 02-12-2009 at 01:10 PM.

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