20 yrs old 197 pounds... prob like 10% body fat one cycle under my belt, training for 3 years now
previous cycle
test- 800 mg per week for 12 weeks
deca 400 mg per week for 9 weeks
dbol first 5 weeks 50mg a day
winstrol last 6 weeks 50mg a day
pcts nolvadex and clomid
next cycle
test- 800 mg per week for 14 weeks
dbol first 5 weeks 50mg a day
winstrol last 6 weeks 50mg a day
pcts this time will be nolva, clomid, and some hcg i think
also im gonna start running finasteride a month before i start... and also run it a month after i stop
should i throw ne thing else is my new cycle?