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  1. #1
    JimiW's Avatar
    JimiW is offline Junior Member
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    AAS and desensitizing????

    Originally I wanted to do this cycle:

    1-4 Dbol 40mg
    1-12 Eq 400mg
    1-14 Test E 500mg

    But after reading here and asking questions I came to the conclusion that this is too much gear for a first cycle. And I decided to definitely drop the Eq and I might drop the Dbol as well.

    I understand that 3 compounds are too much for a first cycle but was just wondering what harm could it do? Or more clearly put how much gains do I throw away because I desensitized my body to AAS at such an early point in my “career” with too much compounds.

    Next question I out of curiousity and the mg’s are just illustrational
    If desensitizing really is an issue how much gains would I potentially throw away in the long run to do Test E @ 500 the first time. Would I be better to do 300 the first time and slowly ramp it up over the years to 1000 so that desensitizing is less of an issue. Or it comes in to play at a much later stage.
    Or does it just not work like this?

  2. #2
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    400-600 mg wk test e for 10-12 weeks
    40mg a day of dbol for 4 weeks

  3. #3
    JimiW's Avatar
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    Thanks for the response but this wasnt exactly what is was asking. Maybe i didnt really ask my question clearly sorry if that is the case.

    I was wondering how much it would hurt to take 3 or for that matter 4/5/etc... compounds on your first cycle.
    Not talking about physical injury or sides but how much muscle gains do i throw away in the long run (and short run for that matter)by taking to much gear to fast.

  4. #4
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    hard to say but Im suspecting none..

  5. #5
    klobb is offline Junior Member
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    As I've understood it, permanent "desensetizing" is more or less a bodybuilding myth.

  6. #6
    JimiW's Avatar
    JimiW is offline Junior Member
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    So if desensitizing isnt an issue and you arent throwing away any gains why would you only use 1 compound on your first cycle.
    Is it because you wont grow bigger from 3 compounds then that you will from 1 compound?

    Just trying to understand why everybody advises the "newbs" to just do 1 compound the first time around

  7. #7
    JMan06's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimiW
    So if desensitizing isnt an issue and you arent throwing away any gains why would you only use 1 compound on your first cycle.
    Is it because you wont grow bigger from 3 compounds then that you will from 1 compound?

    Just trying to understand why everybody advises the "newbs" to just do 1 compound the first time around
    To see how your body reacts to that one compound alone, and to steroids . Almost like a trial.

  8. #8
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimiW
    So if desensitizing isnt an issue and you arent throwing away any gains why would you only use 1 compound on your first cycle.
    Is it because you wont grow bigger from 3 compounds then that you will from 1 compound?

    Just trying to understand why everybody advises the "newbs" to just do 1 compound the first time around
    I'm one of the very few here who believe that a AAS novice can safely and effectively use more than one compound for his first cycle. Of course the base of the cycle should be 400-600mg testosterone and if the user chooses a mild DHT/Test derivative for the last 4-6 weeks my first choices would be anaver or T-bol. If the user wants to run a second injectable compound it should be IMO, one of the 'lighter' AAS and a testosterone derivative, so no deca (nandrolone ) or fina (trenbolone ). EQ (boldenone ), Primobolan (methenolone) or Closterbol (Chlorotestosterone).

    The reason 90% of people on the boards with tell you the same thing is that there is really alot of parroting and no one wants to say other wise in fear of getting flamed by the know-it-alls.

  9. #9
    JimiW's Avatar
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    Big k.l.g. thanks for your input.

    It isnt that i am trying to justify to myself that i should run 3 compounds. But was just curious why everyone responded so heavily with: Way to much gear!!! etc...

    Not that i dont respect everyones input but i kinda had the feeling that some of the answer i got were not really their own ideas but just things they read time after time. And just because a lot of people say something (just like big klg said) doesnt automatically make i true

    I am the kind of person who really wants to understand something and dont just take something as the truth. This way it takes a while longer to learn something but when i get it i have a real deep understanding. Or at least i think i do

    I am real anxious to read input from other newbs and vets alike.
    Last edited by JimiW; 03-30-2006 at 09:57 AM.

  10. #10
    JimiW's Avatar
    JimiW is offline Junior Member
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    BIG KLG:
    Do you mean NO: deca (nandrolone ) or fina (trenbolone ).
    and YES:EQ (boldenone ), Primobolan (methenolone) or Closterbol (Chlorotestosterone).
    or did you mean NO to all of them and you just put a . instead of an ,

    Thanks in advance

  11. #11
    klobb is offline Junior Member
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    He's saying that if you're a novice and want to add an extra injectable on top of the recommended test, you should go with EQ (boldenone ), Primobolan (methenolone) or Closterbol (Chlorotestosterone).

  12. #12
    JimiW's Avatar
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    Ahaa. That was what i was thinking. But better to be safe then sorry

  13. #13
    fudgedelic is offline Associate Member
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    In my opinion the main reasons are first to just see how you react to these substances, since it is something brand new. Maybe you find something gives you undesireable effects but how can you be sure which it was if you take 3 substances for the first time. Also i think you could grow just as much off the single so why throw in more money, more hormones, increase the chances of sides, etc.

  14. #14
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fudgedelic
    In my opinion the main reasons are first to just see how you react to these substances, since it is something brand new. Maybe you find something gives you undesireable effects but how can you be sure which it was if you take 3 substances for the first time. Also i think you could grow just as much off the single so why throw in more money, more hormones, increase the chances of sides, etc.
    This is the primary reason I suggest using one compound to a newbie embarking on a first cycle. Why run 2-3 different compounds when you can get good gains off of one compound and assess how your body reacts to it. Using AS is about creating a perfect ratio of high gains and low/no sides. For a bigginner, like you are, establshing what compounds give you sides and what give the best gains is important IMO. So this is why I advocate ONE compound for a first cycle. Testosterone should be the base of the majority of your future cycles, so this is a good choice and good place to start, I feel.

  15. #15
    JimiW's Avatar
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    I must honestly say both the sides make real good sense to me.

    For me personally i think i am just gonna go with the 1 compound as most of you recommend. Nahhh i am gonna add some dbol i want the bloat heheeh

    But now i know that more then 1 compound isnt necessarily bad and i understand the reasoning behind recommending just the 1 compound.
    Now i can give well thought out advice with good arguments to the next gen newbies hahaa

  16. #16
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    I really don't mean to offend anyone when i say this, but these theories about 'seeing how X anabolic affects you etc' is total BS and parroting. We all know the adverse effects of the androgens that are commonly taken and how they can be prevented. So why see how "you react to the steroid "? If the user is researching like he should they should have no problem taking another injectable or oral with the first cycle.

    That's my honest and humble opinion.

  17. #17
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    I really don't mean to offend anyone when i say this, but these theories about 'seeing how X anabolic affects you etc' is total BS and parroting. We all know the adverse effects of the androgens that are commonly taken and how they can be prevented. So why see how "you react to the steroid "? If the user is researching like he should they should have no problem taking another injectable or oral with the first cycle.

    That's my honest and humble opinion.
    I agree and disagree with you Big kig.

    Many dont. This is why I think one compound, for a first cycle is a good guidline to abide by.

  18. #18
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    1 compound is a good guidline for beginners, primarily because most are totally new to the world of anabolics. We'd like to think people would research everything they could about a compound before injecting their ass with it, but just by taking a quick look at some of the threads on this forumn, a lot don't. I don't see any harm with someone running a couple of 'easy' compounds for their first cycle, provided they researched everything before it came time to use. I still don't think anyone needs drugs like tren , or HGH, until they've done numerous cycles.

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