Yes, i have turned 18 less than 2 weeks ago and have given some serious thought about SD. i have read and resurched for about 3 months and found good pct and good stacks. I am turning to SD because i have serious trubble gaining natty. im sick of it so here comes the drol. my cycle will go planned as
1000mg Milk Thistle ED (1 week prior to cycle) & continuing through.
week 1- SD 10mg ED, 1 cap of AX's Prostanozol, 1 cap of Inhibit-E
week 2- SD 10mg ED, 1 cap of AX's Prostanozol, 1 cap of Inhibit-E
week 3- SD 20mg ED, 2 cap of AX's Prostanozol, 1 cap of Inhibit-E
week 4- Rebound XT 75mg ED, 2 cap of Inhibit-E
week 5- Rebound XT 50mg ED, 2 cap of Inhibit-E
week 6- Rebound XT 25mg ED, 1 cap of Inhibit-E
(splitting the rebound evenly one morn, 2 even taken w/ 10g of fat)
I will also be taking HGC throught the whole cycle, amount, unsure.
i know that not one of you will promote me using this but please give me advice to get through it safley. thanks guys.