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Thread: Mike, I have a question for ya.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Mike, I have a question for ya.

    Hey Mike,
    Awhile back I had asked for some advice on a cycle. You reccommended winny/EQ. After looking things over I thought that I really liked the winny/deca cycle. Anyway there use to be alot of novice cycles posted on the old boards and you made the comment that you thought that some of those cycles looked kinda funny. I was just wondering why you thought that and what you would suggest for a winny/cycle or a winny/EQ cycle. I am really concerned about this, you are one of the few that I would trust putting somthing like this together. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    I did'nt mention my current stats bevcause they have been mentioned so many times before, but in case you forgot here they are.

    5' 6"
    12% B/F
    Workout schedule
    Mon/Wed.-- Chest & Arms
    Tues/Thurs-- Back,legs,shoulders, traps(I have more time in the gym on these days)
    Fri-Sat-- Forearms/calves
    I pull calves and forearms by themselves because these are really problem ares for me compared to gains in other areas. I do abbs everyday and cardio (jog 3.5 miles) 3 days a week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I've stated before that I'm no pro but I can give you my experience with a deca/winny stack. Like you I'm in my 30's and have trained naturally for 15+ years. This was my first ever cycle and I was looking, specifically, for keepable gains, minimal sides and an increase in lean body mass. BTW Mike designed mine for me as well. I ran deca @ 400mg/week for 10 weeks, from weeks 3-8 I ran winny depot @ 50mg EOD, currently following up with clomid therapy.. I began to see, but especially feel, a difference by week 3-4. I didn't really decrease my BF but that's because I ran with a bulking type diet as opposed to a cutting diet (my bad). I did gain 18lbs and a good amount of strength and overall was extremely happy with everything. My next cycle will come in the fall and will be deca 400mg/week x 10 weeks, sust250 500mg/week x 10 weeks, d-bol 35mg/day weeks 1-5, with clomid and nolvadex.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Hey Pete

    Your 2nd cycle seems to be quite a popular cycle and one that is reasonably safe and very effective.I know Big AL is running a cycle like this and his results sound good.I,m beginning to seriously think about my first cycle now and reckon I will run with what you have for your 2nd.I will probably start mine Nov/Dec time but if you start yours first please keep me posted as I,m interested in the results you get.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    No prob Billy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    I’m 23 days into a eq/winny cycle (my first) that Mike put together for me. Stats are fairly close to yours 40, 5’ 8” 185#,14%bf. i’m logging gains and will post a mid-point review the first week of Sept. Might be some help to you. So far i love it.

  7. #7
    Mike Guest
    Wow I didnt realize how many cycles I had writted for ya'll LOL
    Hey tobey winny deca is a good cycle - pete liked his but before I recommend something I would like to be a little bit more clear with your goals - i dont know if it would be the best for ya - let me know what you want to acheive and we'll go from there

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Hey guys,
    Just got in from work and read your post, thanks alot for your input. What I wanted to achieve from this was somthing that I thought about long and hard. I really don't consider myself all that big but I still have alot of people ask me why I am not competeing. Like I have said earlier, My bodyfat is higher than I would really like it to be. I can still vaguely see my 6-pack however I can't stand the way my gut looks when I sit down. At first I considered a cutting cycle, however the more I thought about it I really want to gain more size. I believe that I may save the cutting cycle for a later date in the future. The thing that scares me about a bulking cycle isn,t any biological side effects. I researched enough about that to know how I can hinder them as much as possible.( With the 2 cycles mentioned above) I do worry about driving my body fat up way up. I run like hell almost everyday, and watch my diet very close. I guess if more B/F comes. I'll have to suck it up and run a little further for I will not let myself go soft.
    Mike, I want size, I mean I want to get so dam big off this cycle that I scare myself when I look into the mirror to shave everymorning. At the present I jogg about 3.5 miles a day and you allready know my workout reguime. Well thats about it. Today is Tuesday and I will be out of town working and will not be back until Thursday afternoon. Hope to hear from you then.
    Thanks alot guys,
    Last edited by Tobey; 08-21-2001 at 05:45 PM.

  9. #9
    Mike Guest
    Tobey - send me a PM - let's get you big as fuck

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