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Thread: Blood Tests

  1. #1

    Blood Tests

    can a doctor find out that the patient is on roids without specifically looking for them?

    for ex: Johnny goes for a routine checkup, and the doctor does regular shots, blood tests, and urine tests

    if the doctor doesnt look for specifically steroids, will he find out?

    (another doctor related question)

    would he be required to tell "proper authorities" if he/she found out, or is there a patient/doctor confidentiality?

  2. #2
    also, will the shots or tests interfear with the cycle?

    as in, can it give false results OR even worse cause worse side effects?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    LOL!! Man you're "post happy", you've posted like 20 times in 3 ALL TIME RECORD here at AR...Congrats!.

    Sorry im ttoo ttirred to ttyppe an answer right now.

    Notice my ttotally cool spelling? Can anyone crack the secret code? Man, i think im going nuts, anything is amusing me right now...
    Last edited by PaPaPumP; 10-18-2001 at 11:44 PM.

  4. #4
    ptbyjason Guest
    no, no, no, and no.

    Much more complicated detecting, and no worries about messing things up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Back from Hell
    Its a completely different test thats quite expensive so its really not typically looked for and no he/she cant go tot the police if you test positive

  6. #6

    I have about 20more questions written on paper, I am resisting not to type them all at once LOL

    thanks for the help everyone

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    NO regarding if the doctor can tel authorities. The informatin between the doctor and the pacient its completely confidential. You could sue him if he tell anything to anybody about your helth issues.

  8. #8
    yea that's what I assumed, thank you

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Cool No, no, no, etc. BUT . . .

    Routine blood tests do not pick up AS use.

    BUT: Routine blood tests can give an indication that someone [/i]might[/i] be on AS. Specifically, some roids can elevate the hematocrit, hemoglobin, prostate specific antigen, and other lab work. Also, some roids can cause edema (water retention), so indications of edema in a person without any clinical reason (such as congestive heart failure or poor circulation from diabetes) could be an indication of AS use.

    As for the doctor blabbing, can't happen - your communications with your physician are protected by doctor-patient confidentiality.

    With all that said, I would be up front with your doctor about any AS use, since it could have an effect on your overall health. However, ask your doctor not to comment on your AS use in your medical chart since it could become an issue in the event that your chart were subpoenaed for a civil lawsuit (such as from an accident, whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant) down the road.

    That will be five cents, please . . .

  10. #10
    2 months ago i went to the hospital for severe chest pains they did blood test on me after 2-3 hrs the dr came to me and asked what the hell i was taking.i quess my blood was so screwed up from the sus.deca.and dbol.
    i told him i was taking creatine and a shit load of other suplements, he told me to stop taking that shit hahaha
    so i quess they dont look for it, if he had to ask me.

  11. #11

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