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  1. #1
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Does HCG help with low sex drive while on cycle

    Running a 10 week prop cycle . Also using winny wks 5-10 . I am in wk 5 now and my sex drive is low. I have a little atrophy also. Would using HCG help with low sex drive while on my cycle??

  2. #2
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
    MAXIMA5 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I know HCG will help with atrophy.
    Try Proviron for libido, also helps with water.

  3. #3
    2.minutes's Avatar
    2.minutes is offline Member
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    proviron will do

  4. #4
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Running a 10 week prop cycle . Also using winny wks 5-10 . I am in wk 5 now and my sex drive is low. I have a little atrophy also. Would using HCG help with low sex drive while on my cycle??

    Yeah the hcg would help but what dose you running of prop?

  5. #5
    scotttiger54's Avatar
    scotttiger54 is offline Senior Member
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    whats your dosages?

  6. #6
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    HCG will help reduce/prevent testicular inhibition/shutdown. So, yes, it will help. As above, Proviron will do wonders. Try 50mg/ED.

  7. #7
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Yeah the hcg would help but what dose you running of prop?
    Running 75mg ED of prop and 50 mg ED of winny. This is my sixth cycle in the past three years!! I can not get proviron at this time . So you think the HCG would also help with low sex drive??

  8. #8
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    Running 75mg ED of prop and 50 mg ED of winny. This is my sixth cycle in the past three years!! I can not get proviron at this time . So you think the HCG would also help with low sex drive??
    Yes it would but if it were me personally I would bump the prop.

  9. #9
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Yes it would but if it were me personally I would bump the prop.
    I am still getting good results from low doses so have not up the dose yet. I was 170lbs when I started using test three years ago. I am now 225 lbs I am 5'11 . I have a pretty low bodyfat% so I have put on about 55 lbs of mostly mass. People that have not seen me in a while do not even reconize me . I am not trying to get much bigger as I am into playing sports and not competing not really going for the bodybuilder look just a lean cut look. Just using the prop at this point to matain muscle mass as I am cutting. I am also using teslac as an AI on this cycle . Can teslac cause estrogen to go to low and kill sexdrive? I usally use a-dex but doc said to try the teslac this time.

  10. #10
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    I am still getting good results from low doses so have not up the dose yet. I was 170lbs when I started using test three years ago. I am now 225 lbs I am 5'11 . I have a pretty low bodyfat% so I have put on about 55 lbs of mostly mass. People that have not seen me in a while do not even reconize me . I am not trying to get much bigger as I am into playing sports and not competing not really going for the bodybuilder look just a lean cut look. Just using the prop at this point to matain muscle mass as I am cutting. I am also using teslac as an AI on this cycle . Can teslac cause estrogen to go to low and kill sexdrive? I usally use a-dex but doc said to try the teslac this time.
    Bump!! Anyone

  11. #11
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Need some advise bros!! Can teslac cause estrogen to go to low and kill sex drive while on a test cycle? Using 100mg of teslac ED!!

  12. #12
    Maetenloch's Avatar
    Maetenloch is offline Associate Member
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    For me HCG helps maintain libido on longer cycles, plus it will make your recovery easier. Having estrogen levels too low can also kill your sex drive. Try dropping the testlac and see if you notice a change.

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