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  1. #1
    speednstrength is offline New Member
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    Feb 2004

    Masteron/ Drostanolone advanced question

    what types of pro hormones metabolize into drostanolone type resemblence in the body? And what is the chemical make up of the oral version of mast that allows for the breakdown into mast in the body? I am looking for some detailed explanations...the science of both questions....any help would be great....i'm lacking in the real technical chemestry info

  2. #2
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Dec 2001
    'Oral masteron ' is a scam. Drostanolone can only be effective if injected. The oral masterone really contains mestanolone (methyl-DHT).

  3. #3
    speednstrength is offline New Member
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    Feb 2004
    i'm aware of that...but how does the mestanalone breakdown in the body...if tested through urine, does it metabolize like rostanbolone? i know 5 ALPHA-DIOL is a precursor to drostanolone, but a few chains are missing in the chemical structure when found in the body....

  4. #4
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Dec 2001
    So you're looking for what compounds that leave drostanolone metabolites correct?

  5. #5
    speednstrength is offline New Member
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    Feb 2004
    yeah thats the type of stuff i need....for instance i know both drostanolone and mestanolone are sister steroids both drived from STANOLONE and
    Stanolone with methyl added on to the 17 th position makes it oraly active
    which would be mestanolone =oral masteron ..and i know drostanalone is stanolone altered slightly with dipropionate ester added
    to itto make it longer acting and to make it oil soluble to make it suitable to inject = injectable masterone......

    so yes....i need what compounds would leave drostanolone metabolites, supplements such as andro, such as 5alpha-diol, or even illegal gear...any info would be greatly appreciated....

  6. #6
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by speednstrength
    yeah thats the type of stuff i need....for instance i know both drostanolone and mestanolone are sister steroids both drived from STANOLONE and
    Stanolone with methyl added on to the 17 th position makes it oraly active
    which would be mestanolone =oral masteron ..and i know drostanalone is stanolone altered slightly with dipropionate ester added
    to itto make it longer acting and to make it oil soluble to make it suitable to inject = injectable masterone......

    so yes....i need what compounds would leave drostanolone metabolites, supplements such as andro, such as 5alpha-diol, or even illegal gear...any info would be greatly appreciated....
    My knowledge doesn't run that deep. SD (superdrol) is the only one i can think of right now.
    Now that i really think about it, is it even possible to detect drostanolone w/o using drostanolone? One would think a steroid 's metabolites came only come from the parent compound, nandrolone metabolites from nandrolone, Tren metabolites from tren etc.
    You said that Masteron has a diprop ester but that's inaccurate the only AAS that can hold to prop esters i know of is methandriol.

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