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Thread: 3 weeks in and I'm a d-bol fan now :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    3 weeks in and I'm a d-bol fan now :)

    I've never liked the sound of dianabol before - the way people slate it and the side effects that I've read about on here have left a bad impression on me regarding the use of d-bol. I started my second cycle 3 weeks ago of d-bol 30mg ed for 4 weeks and Test enth 500mg a week front loaded (500mg first day) for 10 weeks. 3 weeks in its the d-bol thats taking effect so far and I'm very pleased already! Strengths on the increase, weights on the increase and just from looking in the mirror I can see that my muscles are looking more swollen and shapely. After avoiding d-bol in the first cycle I'm glad I've decided to use it this time around - I'm now I big fan of d-bol
    Weights up around 10lb give or take a lb (190lb - 200lb @ 5'10''). Now I can't wait for the Test to take full effet I'd love to make 210lb by the end of the cycle.
    So, the morral of the story is, don't knock it 'til you've tried it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i felt like i lost the gains i got from dbol way to quickly when i stopped my cycle... that water wait will fly off you bro and you will find out one of the big reasons alot of people dont like dbol, not to put ur cycle down tho... that was my first cycle

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by nathanlgd
    I've never liked the sound of dianabol before - the way people slate it and the side effects that I've read about on here have left a bad impression on me regarding the use of d-bol. I started my second cycle 3 weeks ago of d-bol 30mg ed for 4 weeks and Test enth 500mg a week front loaded (500mg first day) for 10 weeks. 3 weeks in its the d-bol thats taking effect so far and I'm very pleased already! Strengths on the increase, weights on the increase and just from looking in the mirror I can see that my muscles are looking more swollen and shapely. After avoiding d-bol in the first cycle I'm glad I've decided to use it this time around - I'm now I big fan of d-bol
    Weights up around 10lb give or take a lb (190lb - 200lb @ 5'10''). Now I can't wait for the Test to take full effet I'd love to make 210lb by the end of the cycle.
    So, the morral of the story is, don't knock it 'til you've tried it

    And the moral of the story is....

    I'm just messin with ya, keep it up man!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Fjock
    i felt like i lost the gains i got from dbol way to quickly when i stopped my cycle... that water wait will fly off you bro and you will find out one of the big reasons alot of people dont like dbol, not to put ur cycle down tho... that was my first cycle

    when i ran dbol on my last cycle, i kept almost all my size, and all my strength. dbol is the bomb. just dont forget to take clen during pct

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In da doghouse
    I am on dbol now. I am in my second week at 30mg ed. I see my strength increase too. I really like this stuff. Why do you need to take clen during pct?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by vincor
    I am on dbol now. I am in my second week at 30mg ed. I see my strength increase too. I really like this stuff. Why do you need to take clen during pct?

    clenbuterol blocks the hormone cortisol. this hormone is all bad cause it makes your body gain fat faster, plus it fu_ks with your protein synthesis. bottom line is that taking clen during pct will make you keep way more gains

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    when i ran dbol on my last cycle, i kept almost all my size, and all my strength. dbol is the bomb. just dont forget to take clen during pct
    Why clen

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    San Joaquin County, CA.
    Quote Originally Posted by nathanlgd
    I've never liked the sound of dianabol before - the way people slate it and the side effects that I've read about on here have left a bad impression on me regarding the use of d-bol. I started my second cycle 3 weeks ago of d-bol 30mg ed for 4 weeks and Test enth 500mg a week front loaded (500mg first day) for 10 weeks. 3 weeks in its the d-bol thats taking effect so far and I'm very pleased already! Strengths on the increase, weights on the increase and just from looking in the mirror I can see that my muscles are looking more swollen and shapely. After avoiding d-bol in the first cycle I'm glad I've decided to use it this time around - I'm now I big fan of d-bol
    Weights up around 10lb give or take a lb (190lb - 200lb @ 5'10''). Now I can't wait for the Test to take full effet I'd love to make 210lb by the end of the cycle.
    So, the morral of the story is, don't knock it 'til you've tried it

    I Agree. "Don't shit on it, 'til you've tried it". I like Anadrol better..........

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In da doghouse
    How much clen do you need to take and how long?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by vincor
    How much clen do you need to take and how long?

    what il do is start the clen the day after my last shot. its important to start at a low dose and work your way up to 125 mcgs ed. its recomemded to do it like this

    day 1: 20 mcgs
    day 2: 40 mcgs
    day 3: 60 mcgs
    day 4: 80 mcgs
    day 5: 100 mcgs
    day 6: 125 mcgs
    then stay at that dose for the duration of your pct, which usually means about 6 weeks

    the reson you slowly up the dose like this is cause clen is very strong sh_t. if you were to immediately start at 125 mcgs, you might give yourself a heart attack or something. this dumb ass i know did this, and it made him literally halucinate, and it fu_ked with his head to such an extent that he had to call in sick to work cause he couldn't function normally

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by mr. snakes
    I Agree. "Don't shit on it, 'til you've tried it". I like Anadrol better..........

    ive never tried drol, but ive heard that its incredibly toxic, plus you barely keep anything from it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In da doghouse
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    what il do is start the clen the day after my last shot. its important to start at a low dose and work your way up to 125 mcgs ed. its recomemded to do it like this

    day 1: 20 mcgs
    day 2: 40 mcgs
    day 3: 60 mcgs
    day 4: 80 mcgs
    day 5: 100 mcgs
    day 6: 125 mcgs
    then stay at that dose for the duration of your pct, which usually means about 6 weeks

    the reson you slowly up the dose like this is cause clen is very strong sh_t. if you were to immediately start at 125 mcgs, you might give yourself a heart attack or something. this dumb ass i know did this, and it made him literally halucinate, and it fu_ked with his head to such an extent that he had to call in sick to work cause he couldn't function normally
    Thanks bro.......

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by vincor
    Thanks bro.......

    for sure bro, good luck with everything

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Toronto, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    clenbuterol blocks the hormone cortisol. this hormone is all bad cause it makes your body gain fat faster, plus it fu_ks with your protein synthesis. bottom line is that taking clen during pct will make you keep way more gains
    Interesting, is there anything else you can take besides clen to avoid this??

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    i'm lovin my dbol too man... im in week 4... awesome stuff

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by Nasser
    Interesting, is there anything else you can take besides clen to avoid this??

    well, i suppose you could try running proviron during pct to help keep gains, but that seems a little risky, plus it doesn't work the same way as clen.

  17. #17
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by ShnouzedUp
    i'm lovin my dbol too man... im in week 4... awesome stuff

    definitely. dbol is fu_kin strong, and it kicks in right quick. i noticed strength gains from it the first day i started taking it. 3 weeks in, i was noticeably bigger, and i was only running 25 mgs ed. next time il try 50 mgs ed

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I am on 30mg a day, and on day 4 when should it really be kicking in

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    I am on 30mg a day, and on day 4 when should it really be kicking in

    it kicks in fast bro. id say you should see noticeable results at the end of the first week

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    i am already getting some great pumps but i think that its the placebo effect

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Dbol is the funnest of all steroids in my opinion.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rickson
    Dbol is the funnest of all steroids in my opinion.

    yea, i loved the one time i ran dbol. i intend to do lots more of it in the future

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    i am already getting some great pumps but i think that its the placebo effect

    i dont know man. if its legit dbol, then the gains you feel are probably not just in your head

  24. #24
    you all make me wnt to run out and get some was wondering what to put with my test next cycle guess i found it

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    Quote Originally Posted by liftinghard
    you all make me wnt to run out and get some was wondering what to put with my test next cycle guess i found it
    Dbol is a great for mass building. It works so well with test as a kick-start to your cycle. You will not be disapointed.

  26. #26
    DBOL is great, but those gains will soon diminish to a point.. the 1 thing i noticed w/ dbol is that when i come off of it, it tends to cut me up a little.. good luck bro

  27. #27
    Clenbuterol is a very widely used drug and has quite a reputation. A good one among athletes and recreational users, and a very bad one among those people who know very little about illegal performance enhancing aids. Its not a steroid. In fact, the only medical use for which clenbuterol is generally prescribed (and now being less and less prescribed thanks to its illegitimate use) is for obstructions of the air-way. People with chronic breathing disorders like asthma use this as a bronchodilator to make breathing easier. But its only one of the many things that can be achieved with the use of clenbuterol.

    In terms of action this drug is best likened to the now also illegal ephedrine and its legal replacement, ma huang. All of them operate mainly by increasing the manufacture and secretion of catabolic hormones known as cathecholamines (like dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline)) which are secreted from the adrenal region. Now these hormones have a wide variety of functions. First of all they seem to alter the contractile characteristics of smooth muscle, but very specifically. Some will apparently be stimulated, and others inhibited. Amongst those inhibited, the smooth muscles in the bronchial tree, which explains its soothing effect in patients with breathing problems. What it also does is increase thermogenisis. This usually encompasses a rise in blood pressure, a stimulatory effect of the heart muscle and a resulting rise in body temperature.

    Along with the reversing of the effects of insulin (and inhibiting the action of insulin) which results in a release of glycogen back into the blood stream as glucose and an inability to store or use more glycogen, it will increase the rate of protein and fat being burned in the body. For bodybuilders that appears to be the primary use of the drug. This thermogenisis and an increase in the rate of fat being burned usually has as a result that the metabolic rate of the subject its much higher and he burns more calories. This in turn results in loss of adipose tissue (the shedding of fat in other words) revealing a leaner physique with cuts and striations. The downside to this effect is that there is a concomitant rise in the rate of protein being burned. Where fat is robbed from the fatty tissue in the body, protein is generally robbed from the muscle. As with all catabolic hormones, in time muscle loss can and will occur. Which is why many opt to use this compound during a cycle of anabolic steroids that will help preserve the lean body mass while reducing the fat.

    Among the other actions that cathecholamines have is an increase in aerobic capacity (facilitated by the easier breathing), a stimulation of the nervous system (facilitated by norepinephrine and acetylcholine release) and thus the skeletal muscle system, an increase in oxygen transportation (facilitated by the increased blood pressure) and an increase in vigil. These characteristics in turn combine to make this drug particularly interesting for athletes doing endurance sports and needing a boost. Especially in middle-long running numbers, this drug is widely abused and its no secret that in cycling circles clenbuterol in liquid form is combined with a painkiller and the drug EPO (synthetic erythropoeitin, a renal hormone) which increases the manufacture of red blood cells. It is then injected along the road, thereby avoiding positive tests prior to the race. Needless to say such a cocktail is very hazardous to the cardiovascular system. Just to demonstrate the wide use of this drug and its immense popularity among athletes, observe the US Olympic team. Exercise-induced asthma is an afflmiction that generally occurs in 3-7% of the population, and is in some rare cases treated with clenbuterol. In 2000 60% of US Olympic athletes claimed to have exercise-induced asthma and ALL of them were prescribed clenbuterol for this condition. An otherwise illegal drug, tolerated solely for this reason. And this while the Romanian gymnast Andrea Raducan was stripped of her gold medal for the 25 µg of norephedrine in her cold medicin she was taking...

    In several animal studies1,2,3 Clenbuterol was also shown to act as an anabolic, believed to be able to impart muscle gains. This was never demonstrated in humans4 however, and there is more evidence that its effect on catabolic hormones invokes the opposite. In any case, the animal studies used much higher doses5 then one would safely recommend for humans. The late Dan Duchaine, by many held in high regard as a steroid guru and a former writer of the now defunct MM2K, believed it had something to do with the stimulation of a third beta receptor, which was different in humans as opposed to other mammals, and that this was the reason humans did not receive any anabolic benefits. As with most of what Dan said, this is very questionable, but one of many possible explanations in a debate that still rages on. Despite the many claims of other bodybuilders that still swear it has some form of anabolic action, I must say I've seen enough proof to the contrary to strongly advise against buying clenbuterol for promoting muscle mass. You may be more than sorely disappointed. Next time you see a 230 pound, 6 foot top-level cyclist, let me know and I may change my mind.

    Clenbuterol, when used for its fat-burning properties is best used in a pyramid scheme. Slowly building up the dose may be more important that tapering off of it, as most first time users will rarely if ever know how they will react. Because of the effects on blood pressure its best to start with 20-40 µg per day and slowly work your way up increasing the dose every 3 days by 20 µg, to a maximum of 120-160 µg (most find 80 µg to be adequate). Its also best not used for long periods of time. Body homeostasis seems to negate the excitatory and inhibitive functions of clenbuterol over time, creating a complacency effect. It loses most of its nerve stimulation and fat burning benefits after 3-4 weeks, and using it longer on end would be futile. The user is best to discontinue use for an equal period of time and then recommence again.

    Another thing people should be aware of is the inherent liver toxicity associated with clenbuterol use. When stacking with oral 17-alpha-alkylated steroids, accutane, anti-biotics or other hepatoxic elements, one should have his liver values checked by a licensed physician at regular points in time to avoid all problems. If you not a yellow discoloration of the skin cease use immediately and contact your doctor.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    yea, i loved the one time i ran dbol. i intend to do lots more of it in the future
    What did you take with your dbol tren bull? or did you take it on its own?

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Just started my cycle 5 days ago with 50mg dbol daily/test-e and deca, and have gained 2 pounds and feel awsome in the gym!

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