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  1. #1
    dagreek2222 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2006

    EQ + winstrol cycle what to do when you don't add test?

    Guys i'm thinking about doing a Eq + winstrol cycle or EQ + Var cycle for summer football training. My question is since i wont be adding test which is almost always recommended how can i prevent the side effects of being shut down sexually by supression in test.

    thinking of doing
    wks 1-12 eq @ 400-600mg/wk
    wks 7-14 winstrol @ 50mg ed
    followed by Clomid pct 3 days after last winstrol injection please correct me if im wrong on that.

    Im going to be using winstrol tabs or either get the type of winstrol you can drink. so adding in milk thistle for the liver and glucosamine for the joints.

    Now with this cycle how can i make sure i dont get ED from test supression sorta like Finaplex (tren ) dick.

    Im doing this cycle with out test because it seems to be very low side effects low aromatose and im prolly going to do a cycle once a year. Im looking for that cut sculpture look for speed and agility and i will get bigger anyways from just working hard in the gym during the cycle.

    Also if i can get my hands on Var i will prolly subsitute the winstrol because it doesn't cause joint pain as a side effects.

    wks 1-12 eq @ 400-600mg/wk
    wks 1-10 var @ 45-75mg/ed
    be a good cycle if i took out the winstrol also will i still get supressed test with the var and agian what what i use to try and help support my natural test so i dont get those bad sexual sideeffects like ED.

    I'm 20 5'11 185
    school does not drug test unless suspected of using.

  2. #2
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    Quote Originally Posted by dagreek2222
    Guys i'm thinking about doing a Eq + winstrol cycle or EQ + Var cycle for summer football training. My question is since i wont be adding test which is almost always recommended how can i prevent the side effects of being shut down sexually by supression in test.
    thinking of doing
    wks 1-12 eq @ 400-600mg/wk
    wks 7-14 winstrol @ 50mg ed
    followed by Clomid pct 3 days after last winstrol injection please correct me if im wrong on that.

    Im going to be using winstrol tabs or either get the type of winstrol you can drink. so adding in milk thistle for the liver and glucosamine for the joints.

    Now with this cycle how can i make sure i dont get ED from test supression sorta like Finaplex (tren ) dick.

    Im doing this cycle with out test because it seems to be very low side effects low aromatose and im prolly going to do a cycle once a year. Im looking for that cut sculpture look for speed and agility and i will get bigger anyways from just working hard in the gym during the cycle.

    Also if i can get my hands on Var i will prolly subsitute the winstrol because it doesn't cause joint pain as a side effects.

    wks 1-12 eq @ 400-600mg/wk
    wks 1-10 var @ 45-75mg/ed
    be a good cycle if i took out the winstrol also will i still get supressed test with the var and agian what what i use to try and help support my natural test so i dont get those bad sexual sideeffects like ED.

    I'm 20 5'11 185
    school does not drug test unless suspected of using.
    add test. simple answer.

  3. #3
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    If you dont want Test, you can add Proviron to avoid sexual-sides.

  4. #4
    dagreek2222 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    thx bro so proviron if no test added to avoid the suppressed test then followed by clomids so what would the stack look like with

    wks 1-12 eq @ 400-600mg/wk
    wks 7-14 winstrol @ 50mg ed


    wks 1-12 eq @ 400-600mg/wk
    wks 1-10 var @ 45-75mg/ed

    so where would the pro be added and how much mg and how often do you take. Also is pro very hard to come by?

  5. #5
    SYRIANSTALLION is offline New Member
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    Apr 2005
    why not add test ?

    Quote Originally Posted by dagreek2222
    Guys i'm thinking about doing a Eq + winstrol cycle or EQ + Var cycle for summer football training. My question is since i wont be adding test which is almost always recommended how can i prevent the side effects of being shut down sexually by supression in test.

    thinking of doing
    wks 1-12 eq @ 400-600mg/wk
    wks 7-14 winstrol @ 50mg ed
    followed by Clomid pct 3 days after last winstrol injection please correct me if im wrong on that.

    Im going to be using winstrol tabs or either get the type of winstrol you can drink. so adding in milk thistle for the liver and glucosamine for the joints.

    Now with this cycle how can i make sure i dont get ED from test supression sorta like Finaplex (tren ) dick.

    Im doing this cycle with out test because it seems to be very low side effects low aromatose and im prolly going to do a cycle once a year. Im looking for that cut sculpture look for speed and agility and i will get bigger anyways from just working hard in the gym during the cycle.

    Also if i can get my hands on Var i will prolly subsitute the winstrol because it doesn't cause joint pain as a side effects.

    wks 1-12 eq @ 400-600mg/wk
    wks 1-10 var @ 45-75mg/ed
    be a good cycle if i took out the winstrol also will i still get supressed test with the var and agian what what i use to try and help support my natural test so i dont get those bad sexual sideeffects like ED.

    I'm 20 5'11 185
    school does not drug test unless suspected of using.

  6. #6
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dagreek2222
    thx bro so proviron if no test added to avoid the suppressed test then followed by clomids so what would the stack look like with

    wks 1-12 eq @ 400-600mg/wk
    wks 7-14 winstrol @ 50mg ed


    wks 1-12 eq @ 400-600mg/wk
    wks 1-10 var @ 45-75mg/ed

    so where would the pro be added and how much mg and how often do you take. Also is pro very hard to come by?
    Yust add Proviron 50-75mgs ed, for the whole cycle, +pct aswell.(Proviron doesnt seem to b supressive of HPTA, unless big doses are being used)

    I would run the cyle you have worked on like this:
    var-75 mgs ed 1-6
    eq-600mgs ew 1-12
    winstrol-50mgs ed 8-15
    Proviron-75mgs ed 1-15

    Pct starts at week 16.

    Your liver will get a breake with those two off weeks between var and winny.

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