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Thread: Tren Gyno

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The Netherlands

    Tren Gyno

    I'm getting Gyno from my tren-hex. Got my letro, clomid, armidex and also nolva if needed (but that was not adviced with Letro)
    I have an outstanding order of dostinex, but that might take 10 days to get here.

    Just finished my first 10ml, should I wait with the other 10 till the dostinex arrives???

    I'm shooting it with sust and test, so still be juicing..

    I'm just affriad that the gyno will get real bad if i continue without the good protection.... Should I be?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Get on letro real quick, and dostinex as soon as you get it.

    Have you taken any kind of anti-estrogen with the cycle? If not, how do you know its the Tren, and not the test?

    Progesterone gyno with Tren can only happen, If there is high estrogen-levels in the blood, caused by steroids that aromatise.

  3. #3
    Have you been taking any B6 throughout? Dostinex is expensive stuff but the good thing is that its only needed 2x a week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    Get some b-6 in there right away also... u shld have been taking 200mg ed of b-6 while running the tren...

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    At The Squat Rack
    Progesteronic activity cannot take place in the absence of Estrogen

    Getting rid of the Estrogen is your priority

    Blocking the Progesteronic activity isn't essential - as long as your Estrogen levels are low

    But it is advisable

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The Netherlands
    I'm taking 150mg clomid, 1mg armidex and 2mg letro, and a sh!tload of B6 and 12. (and also 300mcg T4. My T3 arrived today)

    so.. what the hell is going on?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    I'm taking 150mg clomid, 1mg armidex and 2mg letro, and a sh!tload of B6 and 12. (and also 300mcg T4. My T3 arrived today)

    so.. what the hell is going on?
    are you still getting symptoms or have they subsided?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Burger King
    are you still getting symptoms or have they subsided?
    never mind.. you posted this today... I dunno brotha... anyone?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    I'm taking 150mg clomid, 1mg armidex and 2mg letro, and a sh!tload of B6 and 12. (and also 300mcg T4. My T3 arrived today)

    so.. what the hell is going on?

    Have you been taking this from the beginning, and still getting gyno? Maybe some of your anti-estrogens are fake...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor

    Have you been taking this from the beginning, and still getting gyno? Maybe some of your anti-estrogens are fake...
    nah... I don't know about that anymore... my last tren cycle I started getting prog. gyno symptoms and was all doped up on anti e's/b6/t3 at the time... I think some new research may need to be done!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The Netherlands
    Jup done that since the start. Started with Letro at 0.5mg a day 6 weeks in advance, as it needs some time to stabelise.

    The Clomid was 100mg since the start, and I started 4 days ago the armidex

    And the letro is from our sponsors and working OK. no sexdrive, "more emotional" etc. so that's "good".
    Armidex is from a thrusted pharmacy, same as the Clomid.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    I'm getting Gyno from my tren-hex. Got my letro, clomid, armidex and also nolva if needed (but that was not adviced with Letro)
    I have an outstanding order of dostinex, but that might take 10 days to get here.

    Just finished my first 10ml, should I wait with the other 10 till the dostinex arrives???

    I'm shooting it with sust and test, so still be juicing..

    I'm just affriad that the gyno will get real bad if i continue without the good protection.... Should I be?

    so you are taking tren and test with no anti e?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    Jup done that since the start. Started with Letro at 0.5mg a day 6 weeks in advance, as it needs some time to stabelise.

    The Clomid was 100mg since the start, and I started 4 days ago the armidex

    And the letro is from our sponsors and working OK. no sexdrive, "more emotional" etc. so that's "good".
    Armidex is from a thrusted pharmacy, same as the Clomid.

    there is no need to run clomid while on cycle. its not a very effective anti e. plus, its very similar to nolva, which will lower the levels of letro and/or arimidex in your blood. so its likely that clomid would have the same effect on the levels of letro/arimidex. btw, nolva stimulates progesterone receptors, its possible that clomid does this too.

  14. #14
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    Back from the dead.....
    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    I'm getting Gyno from my tren-hex. Got my letro, clomid, armidex and also nolva if needed (but that was not adviced with Letro)
    I have an outstanding order of dostinex, but that might take 10 days to get here.

    Just finished my first 10ml, should I wait with the other 10 till the dostinex arrives???

    I'm shooting it with sust and test, so still be juicing..

    I'm just affriad that the gyno will get real bad if i continue without the good protection.... Should I be?

    What are your dosages??? U say u are taking sust and test... they are both test so how much test are u taking a week? and what is your tren dosage per week?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Something isnt right.

    The Letro will take approx. 4-5 weeks to reach stable blood plaasma levels in the blood. Up the dose of it to 0.5-1.0mg/ED. Also take some Vit-B6 at 100-200mg/ED.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The Netherlands
    OK to make a total picture:
    first shot 750 test-e as "frontloading"
    after this:
    sust 250 1 ml eod
    Tren-Hex(100mg) 1,5ml eod
    Test-e 250 1/2 ml eod

    I've been taking the letro 6 weeks in advance to get stable levels. (0.5mg a day)
    And I started the Armidex 4 days ago.

    I know Nolva conflicts with Letro, that's why I did not use it. Never heard that Clomid will do the same....

    So.. what should I do. Wait with the tren till my dostinex arrives???

    Or just keep on shooting (and drop the Clomid)

  17. #17
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    Apr 2006
    The Netherlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Something isnt right.

    The Letro will take approx. 4-5 weeks to reach stable blood plaasma levels in the blood. Up the dose of it to 0.5-1.0mg/ED. Also take some Vit-B6 at 100-200mg/ED.

    Yes that's right, something ain't right...

    It's also only my right niple. but it got a hard "large" lump under it. the other one is OK. just a little sensetive.................but no lump

    I'm taking 20mg vit B (additional) a day and B12 at 1100mcg B12

    ps. where can you buy caps that have that large dosages of B6??
    I have the higest availible in the shop. 4mg...........

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Back from the dead.....
    In the US u can buy 100mg b-6 tabs everywhere... I get mine at target 100 100mg tabs for like 3 bucks....

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    Yes that's right, something ain't right...

    It's also only my right niple. but it got a hard "large" lump under it. the other one is OK. just a little sensetive.................but no lump

    I'm taking 20mg vit B (additional) a day and B12 at 1100mcg B12

    ps. where can you buy caps that have that large dosages of B6??
    I have the higest availible in the shop. 4mg...........
    I think you mean Vit-B6 200mg/ED. Dont exceed this dose, even if sides get worse. You'll end up damaging your CNS.

    Well done for running the Letro prior. I guess your best bet is Dostinex. Letro/Nolva isnt optimal, no. But, bump your Letro dose and run some Nolva at 20mg/ED. See if that helps. Some medical studies state running the 2 isnt optimal. However, this isnt set in stone. I suggest you try and find out what works for you. You cant beat personal experience, no matter what studies their are to back ones claims up.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The Netherlands
    you are right m8.

    I guess I just pump me full with letro, clomid, nova and armidex and see it that helps

    Still........ should I continue with the Tren?????

    ps. found a site where they have B6 50mg caps... so I ordered 3 bottles of 60)
    Last edited by thaisteroids; 04-06-2006 at 04:08 PM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    you are right m8.

    I guess I just pump me full with letro, clomid, nova and armidex and see it that helps

    Still........ should I continue with the Tren?????

    ps. found a site where they have B6 50mg caps... so I ordered 3 bottles of 60)
    No need for the Clomid/Arimidex. Just Letro/Nolva/Vit-B6 IMHO. Letro is more effective than the Arimidex at reducing estrogen levels, so its the obvious choice here.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    northern cali
    Quote Originally Posted by thaisteroids
    you are right m8.

    I guess I just pump me full with letro, clomid, nova and armidex and see it that helps

    Still........ should I continue with the Tren?????

    ps. found a site where they have B6 50mg caps... so I ordered 3 bottles of 60)

    no, do not take nolva while on tren, clomid is probably risky too. use a high dose of letro instead

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    its not too late yet i hope, drop the nolva, its a terrible idea to run it while on tren. it stimulates your progesterone receptors, causing more of that nasty hormone to be absorbed. let me just say that one more time...


  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Nolva isnt optimal for 2 reasons.

    1. It has been known to increase the amount of progesterone receptors. This could worsen the existting problem.

    2. Letro/Nolva isnt an optimal combination as the concentrations of the Letro will be reduced by the Nolva.

    My advice, as I've said, is to try both. See what works for you...

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    The Netherlands
    I upped the dosage to 2.5 letro a day and still use the armidex (they won't byte)
    I'll drop the clomid, did not use the nolva (yet)

    I'll also drop the tren, till my stuff is in.
    I got 3 bottles of Letro.. so that should be enough.

    Thanks m8ts!

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