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  1. #1
    JMack's Avatar
    JMack is offline Junior Member
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    Help chest is swollen huge!

    I did a pec shot with prop yesterday and I have no pain but my chest is swollen huge and very fluid. It is just a very liquid swollen, I wonder if I should be concerned? I did go out and drink a few beers last night but this is really strange. Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    well yea a swollen chest would concern me.. and drinking on cycle bro.. cmon use your head.. your the type of person who gives AAS a bad name.. "just a few beers.." yea yea.. get off the juice!!! cant hold the booz get off the juice.. dont wanna sound harsh but its the truth.

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    this is the second thread recently about gear and booze. it's aggrevating and boring *yawn*

    anyway, keep an eye on the pec shot, watch for redness, heat.

  4. #4
    ludakris9 is offline Associate Member
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    you might want to go to a doctor bro.

  5. #5
    Jay_notellin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMack
    I did a pec shot with prop yesterday and I have no pain but my chest is swollen huge and very fluid. It is just a very liquid swollen, I wonder if I should be concerned? I did go out and drink a few beers last night but this is really strange. Any thoughts?
    It is not the booze.....if anything, the booze will dehydrate you......make you retain less water.

    I just think you are reacting to the prop shot. I think you should be concerned, but also believe you will be ok. I mean...when you shoot in the a$$, your ass tends to is not alarming because......well it is your a$$.

    I am not going tell u not to drink on cycle because, although not advisable, will not significantly damage you or your cycle if it is just a few beers over a few months........IE you are not getting trashed. Personally, i seek herbal stimulas when on cycle

  6. #6
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    My right pec is about double the size of the left one after a 100mg prop shot 6 days ago. So yeah it's an abscess, draining it tomorrow as soon as i get a 60ml syringe.

  7. #7
    JMack's Avatar
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    I just thought I would mention the fact I had a few beers and I do mean a few. I drank 4 out of a tiny plastic cup. The shot was 36 hours ago and it has seemed to come up fast over the last 2 hours. It is double the size of the other side and seems to be on the outer layer of skin not under the muscle. I have done prop shots in the chest several times over the years and this is a first for me. When your chest began to swell did it happen fast or over a long period of time?

  8. #8
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMack
    I just thought I would mention the fact I had a few beers and I do mean a few. I drank 4 out of a tiny plastic cup. The shot was 36 hours ago and it has seemed to come up fast over the last 2 hours. It is double the size of the other side and seems to be on the outer layer of skin not under the muscle. I have done prop shots in the chest several times over the years and this is a first for me. When your chest began to swell did it happen fast or over a long period of time?
    I noticed something was wrong on day 3. Prop usually causes swelling and pain so if you have an abscess it's will take about 4-5 days to be sure.

  9. #9
    JMack's Avatar
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    I have had some slight swelling and pain before but this is a large amount of fluid that has seemed to appear over a few hours. So I guess I will not do any permanent damage by waiting it out then?

  10. #10
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Get a pin, the same size of the one you injected the area with. Inject as close to the original spot as possible (usually the center of the swelling) and draw back to see if you get any liquid out. If you do, keep drawing the liquid out and change pins and syringes when the syringe gets full. I got 10cc out of my tri several weeks ago, damn prop.

  11. #11
    JMack's Avatar
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    I shot at the top of my chest and that area seems to be fine it’s below the pec that has all the fluid

  12. #12
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    wow bro def not smart y would u anything to further insure injury I thought the ideal of working out was to inhance ur body,s performance gear enough is risky but doing foolish things like that is def askiing for trouble "pappy pmpd4lif always said life is hard enough as it is it,s even harder when ur ****ing stupid:

  13. #13
    MotorBoatin' SOB is offline Junior Member
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    I would see a doc if it was still like that 5-7 days after the shot

  14. #14
    JMack's Avatar
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    I am going to give it till monday and if its not better see a doctor. By no means have I done anything that could be considered stupid. I am very careful when it comes to things of this nature and always take great precaution to ensure things are sterile. So if it is an infection from the needle it must simply be related to luck of the draw .
    Last edited by JMack; 04-07-2006 at 10:16 PM.

  15. #15
    JMack's Avatar
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    The swelling has gone down considerably over night, but I would really like to know what caused it, it is just very odd.

  16. #16
    JMack's Avatar
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    Although the swelling in my chest went down some it began to swell in my upper abdominal region, so I went to the doctor today. They ran blood work and took a urine sample and took x-rays but as of now have no clue. They think if it was an infection it would be in a localized region and not so broad. Anyone ever here of anything similar?

  17. #17
    Da_Mayor is offline Junior Member
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    You definitely have an absess and if you're not a pro at draining it I would see a doctor ASAP before it gets any worse other wise they might have to cut out some of your tissue

  18. #18
    littlemantc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMack
    I did a pec shot with prop yesterday and I have no pain but my chest is swollen huge and very fluid. It is just a very liquid swollen, I wonder if I should be concerned? I did go out and drink a few beers last night but this is really strange. Any thoughts?
    hey bro..thats one thing you cant do while on should have already knew that way before getting on the sounds like you didnt do all of your homework before your cycle....sorry not to flame you but this is the truth...

  19. #19
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    The few beers probably isnt a huge issue. Not something i would do on cycle but it wasnt a contributing factor here.

    Persoanlly this talk about prop is the reason i will never use that or sust ever again. Every damn injection hurts after, gets pinlk and heat and you freak out constantly till each one dissipates but by then you just injected another.
    Who needs that stress? Fvck prop!
    Hell suspension id do before prop.

  20. #20
    JMack's Avatar
    JMack is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah i am not a big drinker but i thought i would mention it, just to have the entire story. I fully understand the effects of booze on or off a cycle, but hey its life

  21. #21
    doghunter's Avatar
    doghunter is offline Member
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    Man I Have Friends That Have Been Running Gear For Years And Drinking And Doing Drugs And They Are Just Fine , Im Not One Of Them But Im Just Saying Its Not That Big Off A Deal To Be On Or Off Juice And Party I Have A Friend That Dose Coke And Juices And He Is A Power Lifter It Have Not Hurt Any Of His Gains At All In Years

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