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Thread: Tren Acetate, and Eq...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Tren Acetate, and Eq...

    I just bought this gear about a couple days ago... In my first cycle I used Deca 200 alone I was 17 at the time... Then my second one was Deca 300 and Test. E 400. Now this is going to be my 3rd cycle. On my first two cycles I shot up 1cc every 5 days till it was gone. I want some advise on how I should run these two to get the best results. Both the tren and Eq are 10ml bottles. Also what are your experinces with either of these? Thanks and sorry in advance if there are any newbie questions

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    The South
    Bro you are going to need some more tren and Eq. EQ doesnt start to kick in until about wk6 tren about wk3 or 4...You definately need to do some research. What are the mg's on both tren and EQ? What do you want to do, cut or bulk? What are your stats? Do you have any PCT supplements?ResearchResearchResearch

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Tren is 100mg, and Eq is 200mg, Im wanting to bulk. Im 175lbs 8% body fat, 5'10. PCT are nov. This is about all I could get right now, so I just want to know what I can do with the gear I have now as far as how much per week. Do I do it eod, etc... Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    get some test with ur tren & eq
    week1-12 500 mg test
    week1-7 75mg tren ed
    week1-11 500 mg eq

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    first off. do way more research on how to cycle properly, then get some test b/c running tren and eq without test is a bad idea!! From the sounds of it, you dont have enough gear to put together any decent cycle whatsoever either

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