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  1. #1
    GenX is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002

    Help Thyroid Question.

    Hey Guys,

    I have a i have a Thyroid problem, my problem is my body does not produce very little (every since I was a kid). This has probably caused my metobolism to be very slow and the reason why a i am over weight.

    My doctor gave me a L-THYROXIN supplement when I was a kid, I used it occasionally not real knowing what it did. When doing some research on cytomel i realized this is probably that I should take this.

    Know my question is should I cycle this (4 week cycle) or should I use it as the doctor has recommomed. Do I face the same side effects of maybe shutting down my thyroid.

    Please provide your insights, As I want to get your opinion on this before I spoke to my doctor.


  2. #2
    IBliftin is offline New Member
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    I would listen to your dr. If it doesn't work ease into a 4 week cycle of it...

  3. #3
    Ajax's Avatar
    Ajax is offline Senior Member
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    Listen to your doctor!

  4. #4
    silverfox's Avatar
    silverfox is offline Retired Moderator
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    What your Dr. gave you is t4 which sounds like your throid is not producing. It is converted to t3 in the liver active hormone, if the convertion is going fine in your body, t4 should be all you need to keep metalism normal levels. Only suggestion i have is IF your Dr. is General GP, get refered to specialist.

  5. #5
    IBliftin is offline New Member
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    are you obease? If not I would not mess with it. Ususally the only people that DR's precribe thyroid meds for are obease people, isn't it?

  6. #6
    jeffylyte's Avatar
    jeffylyte is offline Member
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    Indiana. My phallus is bigger than Nathan's!
    if you are hypothyroid, then T4 may not be the only thing you need. check out and do some searching, but the gist is

    1) most hypothyroid patients feel better with TSH between 1 and 2. dose to get in this range

    2) T4 alone does not make people feel nearly as good as T4+T3. Even a little T3 added to the mix can mean a drastic reduction in T4 dosage to get into the "optimal" range. This used to not be such a factor when people used to get thyroid extract. but gthe switch to pure T4 really messes up things.

    3) it is generally better to consistently dose than to cycle as you dont have to worry about endogenous suppression. you are already suppressed!

    4) see an endocrinologist. pcp's usually dont know shit from a hill of beans.

  7. #7
    GenX is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2002
    Originally posted by eye_candy
    What your Dr. gave you is t4 which sounds like your throid is not producing. It is converted to t3 in the liver active hormone, if the convertion is going fine in your body, t4 should be all you need to keep metalism normal levels. Only suggestion i have is IF your Dr. is General GP, get refered to specialist.
    Would winstrol effect my thyorid level? Cause I am current on it and did a blood test friday to check my thyroid level.

  8. #8
    rangerdudeleads is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2001
    Look bro I had thyroid cancer and have no thyroid anymore so im on synthroid .2 for the rest of my life. I am doing fine and my weight is pretty good and I feel great but if you have any questions about thyroid please feel free to pm me about it and I can help you the best I can with your questions.

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