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Thread: Hgh

  1. #1
    PIMPOLOGY101 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey i was thinking about starting a cycle of HGH. Im a collegiate football player going into my senior year of football. Im about 6'5 250 Tight End and i was looking to get bigger and stronger. Last summer i ran Test E and winny tabs, but im looking for something better and that doesnt stay in my system as long. I was wondering how much of HGH i should run that would get me through the summer!!

  2. #2
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    first off, how old are you? GH is kind of pointless unless youre at least 30 IMO. Dont expect massive gains from GH alone and it needs to be run for at least 6 months too. GH is a more advanced drug and you really need to run a cycle of steroids with it too

  3. #3
    dirtyi730 is offline Associate Member
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    you should run it at least for 6 mo. minimum, it works better when ran for an extended period and with a little AAS

    on the detection time like from a drug test, i don't think you have to worry about that at all, i don't believe they will be testing for that, throw in a short estered test like prop or suspension, something that is out of your body quickly

    you would prolly get alot more and more quality answers if you posted this in the HGH/IGF forum, that is all the info i can provide right now, good luck bro

  4. #4
    dirtyi730 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    first off, how old are you? GH is kind of pointless unless youre at least 30 IMO. Dont expect massive gains from GH alone and it needs to be run for at least 6 months too. GH is a more advanced drug and you really need to run a cycle of steroids with it too
    pointless? i keep hearing this and i don't know why, i know what you are thinking, his body already produces a crap load of GH naturally if we assume he is in his early to late 20's, but if he ran more than what his body produces he can still benefit from it, that is like saying don't use test until your balls stop working, your balls are working now, how come you are juicing? because you are taking 2-3 or more times what your body produces so you get bigger, leaner, ect., i'm not trying to attack you, just have been wondering why ppl say this and what is their basis

  5. #5
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    have you ever ran GH before? Sure he can run it in his early 20's but he'll be wasting his money and wont notice much at all. I have a friend that ran it when he was 25 and was pretty disappointed. The results are much more evident as you get older and HGH can help reverse some of the signs of aging. GH is much more effective as people get older. GH is also not going to put mass on you either. GH is completely different than AAS.

    To quote Pinnacle "there is a big difference between anabolic steroids and HGH.The difference being,you'll grow on anabolics,whereas you won't on growth hormone ?Surprised by my answer?I advise you to research before you even think about using HGH(especially if you think it makes you grow muscle tissue)."

  6. #6
    dirtyi730 is offline Associate Member
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    i dont' think it makes causes new muscle tissue to form, i do however think that it is ignorant to say GH is pointless to take unless you are over 30. Also i was not comparing GH to AAS only using an analogy to express my point. I still haven't got a very good argument against my point.
    Last edited by dirtyi730; 04-11-2006 at 08:19 PM.

  7. #7
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    HGH alone is a poor choice and will yield almost no gains. IMO wait to run HGH.

    Prop or Suspension are good choices when having to pass tests.

  8. #8
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Longhorn is right, totally pointless.

    BTW, we have a GH forum, this is the steroids forum.



  9. #9
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    it really is pointless to run if youre still wont notice much in terms of results unless maybe you run extremely high doses, which isnt recommended. GH and AAS are two completely different substances and work in completely different ways

  10. #10
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    It would also be extremely costly being that ideally it should be administered for a period of 6-12 months to see some of the more permanent changes that can take place. As a senior in college, I'm not sure if you are employed/part time job/wealthy to begin with/etc. Cost has to be factored in though, so that's yet another reason it's a bad choice.

    IMHO only of course. My way is not neccessarily the "only" way, just an outlook on the situation.


  11. #11
    BEER WHORE's Avatar
    BEER WHORE is offline Member
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    wait till your old like swole cat you look pretty good for 85 must be on mad HGH.

  12. #12
    TheNextBigThing is offline Associate Member
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    Hey pimpology, I thought you got busted? Are you still eligable this year?

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