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  1. #1
    skyline04's Avatar
    skyline04 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    May 2005

    cycle with dbol & tbol?

    I realize that tbol and dbol are basically the same compound, but can give drastically different results. I have tbol and dbol sitting around, I figured if I throw some Test in I have myself a cycle. I already have one cycle under my belt, test cyp 600 mg/ew for 12 weeks with dbol 30mg/ED for the first 4 weeks.

    Question is, would it be useful to kickstart this cycle with dbol for 4 weeks, throw in some test E for 10 weeks (500 mg/EW), and for the last 5 weeks take tbol (50 mg/ED)? Or is just a waste of one compound as the test will have kicked in by the time I would start tbol? I want more of a lean mass cycle, I'd be using the dbol strictly for strength gain at the beginning of the cycle (obviously I'll get some water weight).

    Help a bro out

  2. #2
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I see nothing wrong with it. Personally i would drop the d-bol and use the t-bol at the end.

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