Any comments are appreciated...
1. Dosing experimented with
2. How many times per day did you inject
3. How did it compare it to EQ
4. Where and at what dosage was it least painful
Any comments are appreciated...
1. Dosing experimented with
2. How many times per day did you inject
3. How did it compare it to EQ
4. Where and at what dosage was it least painful
i've never used it but i have used the short acting eq BOLD PROP ONCE
never again. I think it's due to the rapid intake of boldonone into the system that the pain is so unbelievable. By all mean's try it and let us know how it pan's out but from my GUESS it will only end up in extreme pain
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someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.
detailed detection timesat least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source checkunsure about the rule's please read up
thread for first cycle choices
Well... bold ace is DEFINITELY painful. But this is the water based rendition... and I did my first inj in my delt - not bad at all. Although, surprisingly, EQ might make me a little aggressive. I actually had a more mild psychological reaction to Tren than EQ ... if today is the indicator of how I'll be.
I'm thinking of using Bold Base, Test susp, and winny ... experimenting with how they feel. Very interesting so far... I'll definitely keep you guys posted.
Is your Winstrol and Test Susp also water based?Originally Posted by TrumanHW
I think it penetrates through the mouth mucosa excellently, even without cyclodextrines.
So I use it as a little pusher when I need it and out it under my tongue ;-)
Im confused... is there winny or test-suspension that AREN'T water based? ??Originally Posted by Swifto
Originally Posted by TrumanHW
yes there is you can get both oil based
no open source posting
keep all source request's to PM'S please
someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.
detailed detection timesat least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source checkunsure about the rule's please read up
thread for first cycle choices
what are the advantages of oil based? Still ester-less?
Bold base is tough to keep suspended and hurts like hell!! Make it into a transdermal and apply 150mg a day.
Yes, still esterless. Unless someone really knows what they are doing, when you make test susp, you will have problems with clogging up your pins, as to where using tne, test noi ester in oil, pins dont clog. I dont have that problem though. My test susp will go through a slin pin all day long at 50mg/ml.Originally Posted by TrumanHW
Yeah, it flows through a 30 ... as well as my Test suspension, and my winny. They're all micronized. The thing is... I need like 4cc's worth of shit at 50mg per mL ... which means LOTS of daily jabs ... growth, b12, winny, test, and eq. Also, the eq doesn't hurt... only thing that kinda buggers is the winny... but it's not bad this time around - last time I had it at 100mg per mil, that was fu(king devastating. lol.
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