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  1. #1
    Bomm650DSX is offline New Member
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    Mar 2006

    Trying to cut, looking for help

    Hi all, My first post, great site and very useful to first timers, lots of info, and support from what I see,

    I have been training for 4 months.

    I am on cardio 4 times a week, and weights 3 times a week, with a trainer. I also ride and race quads every week, so this should increase my cardio cycle,

    I started off at 107kg's, and now measure in at 101. Although this may seem OK, with the amount of protein shakes and proton diet I am on, I have decreased in weight, but my fat count remains very high at 16%. I have been told I need to bring this down to 16-17%.

    I have been asking many questions and reading alot of information regarding aids to assist in loosing the fat/weight.

    I have read the articles in this forum regarding the pro's and con's of using Clen , and after mentioning this to certain people, I have been supplied a course of Broncoterol (Clenbuterol ).

    1.What is this stuff like?
    2.Is it the same as the Clen mentioned in the forum?
    3.Will it affect my asthma? ( only use the quartizone(speeling) pump after high pollen counts in my area, or after I ride in farmers fields). I have my asthma very well controlled.
    4.What are the sides affects, are they the same as mentioned in the forum.

    I would appreciate some help here please,


  2. #2
    USfighterFC's Avatar
    USfighterFC is offline Anabolic Member
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    Brooklyn, NY
    Well I'll just start it off that clen is a bronchodilator. It's specifically for people with asthma. I dont know if this will interact with the medication you take for your asthma now but I wouldnt really want the two mingling.

  3. #3
    Bomm650DSX is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    I also read that through the posts in this forum. my uderstanding is that you must not take the two together.

    I use my inhaler maybe once or twice in 3 weeks, or as I need to, depending on the wheather. I would expect that with Clen , I should be able to reduce this to almost nothing.

    Is the type of clen I have OK, and is it expected to work, taking into account my current training program??

    I don'w won't to take someting just for the sake of it, and find it does nothing!!

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