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Thread: My next cycle

  1. #1

    My next cycle

    Cyp 600mg wk: Wks 1 - 14
    Dbol 50mg Ed: Wks 1 - 4
    Armidex .25mg ED: wks 1 - 15
    Dutasteride .25mg ED: wks 1 - 17
    Nolva 20mg ED: wks 14 - End with clomid
    Clomid 70mg ED: 18 days from last shot for 35 days

    How does this look? This is my third cycle. My last was a 16 wk Deca/Cyp good times for sure. I am using the dutastride because on my last cycle I noticed a little hair thinning. I also used Saw Palmetto for my prostate and I though that this would help both . I am also looking for something that I could run from my last shot of Cyp till my PCT starts. I was thinking prop if I can find some by then, any other ideas would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Los Angeles
    what are your stats? cycle looks ok.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    San Joaquin County, CA.
    Quote Originally Posted by SilverBack_69
    Cyp 600mg wk: Wks 1 - 14
    Dbol 50mg Ed: Wks 1 - 4
    Armidex .25mg ED: wks 1 - 15
    Dutasteride .25mg ED: wks 1 - 17
    Nolva 20mg ED: wks 14 - End with clomid
    Clomid 70mg ED: 18 days from last shot for 35 days

    How does this look? This is my third cycle. My last was a 16 wk Deca/Cyp good times for sure. I am using the dutastride because on my last cycle I noticed a little hair thinning. I also used Saw Palmetto for my prostate and I though that this would help both . I am also looking for something that I could run from my last shot of Cyp till my PCT starts. I was thinking prop if I can find some by then, any other ideas would be appreciated.

    Looks good. Personally, i like using 800mg of Test E. Some who have used Dutasteride have claimed that their workouts have suffered a little, so you might want to use it at night before going to bed...............

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    yea use prop 100mg/ed till pct... im gonna do the same bro... im on a dbol/deca/cyp cycle right now finishin it off with prop. u look good

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    In The Kitchen :)
    if this is ur 3rd cycle, and u already had a cycle of test/deca, then y are u runnin' test alone?!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    i would run dbol a week or two farther, if your liver values came out ok on blood work that is, then it should be a'ok

  7. #7
    Right now I am about 202 - 205lbs at about 10 BF at 6' 1" tall. I will make sure to take the dutasteride at night! Thanks mr. snakes. What are your reasons for upping dbol to 6 weeks? I am only using dbol for a kick start will two more weeks make that much of a difference in terms of keepable muscle? The reason that I am not stacking with something like deca or EQ is plain and simple. I feel that this cycle should get me to my goal of about 220lbs + at my peek keeping about 215 or mabe a little more. I actually think I am underestimating as I have keep 20lbs each on my two first cycles. Also, I love, I mean Love, the feeling of having half a gram of test in me. So Test only it is, plus a little bit of dbol!

  8. #8
    I just read the Masteron profile for the first time.It sounds like a good AS to add to my cycle. Would it work stacked with prop if I ran it from a week before lat cyp shot till a day before PCT?

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