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Hi, I'm 24 years old, 184lbs, been weight training since my teens and am starting my first cycle which will be a 10/20/30/30 pp cycle. my diet is on point, supporting sups and pct are great, and i was just wondering if more rest is needed in my training routine (everything is 2 warmup sets w/ 4 work sets and 1 burnout set):
Monday: Chest
Bench Press (flat), barbell
Flyes (incline), dumbbell
Pullovers, dumbell
Bar DipsWhy not do an incline press
Tuesday: Arms
Bicep Curls (standing), barbell-reverse grip
Bicep Curls (standing), dumbbell
Bicep Curls (seated), hammer curls
Bicep Curls (incline), dumbbells
Tricep Pushdowns, machine CGBP and weighted dips for mass
Tricep Pulldowns, machine
Bench Dips
Wednesday: Legs
Squats, barbell
Deadlifts, barbellThis is for back
Leg Press, machine
Leg Extensions, machine
Calf Raises (standing) (full stretch)
Thursday: BackAll you really need are deads pullups and bent over row maybe one more thing
Pull-ups, (wide-grip)
Bent Over Rows, barbell (overhand grip)
Latbar Pulldown (wide grip), cable
Latbar Pulldowns (underhand grip), cable
Seated Row (cable)
Shrugs, barbell
Friday: ShouldersThat is alot of presses for shoulders
Shoulder Press (seated), barbell
Lateral Raises (standing), dumbbells
Military Press, barbell
Shoulder Press (seated), dumbbells
Saturday & Saturday: Rest
is 5 days a week too much?
thanks in advance for any input