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Thread: Phera-Plex Cycle

  1. #1

    Phera-Plex Cycle

    Hi, I'm 24 years old, 184lbs, been weight training since my teens and am starting my first cycle which will be a 10/20/30/30 pp cycle. my diet is on point, supporting sups and pct are great, and i was just wondering if more rest is needed in my training routine (everything is 2 warmup sets w/ 4 work sets and 1 burnout set):

    Monday: Chest
    Bench Press (flat), barbell
    Flyes (incline), dumbbell
    Pullovers, dumbell
    Bar Dips

    Tuesday: Arms
    Bicep Curls (standing), barbell-reverse grip
    Bicep Curls (standing), dumbbell
    Bicep Curls (seated), hammer curls
    Bicep Curls (incline), dumbbells
    Tricep Pushdowns, machine
    Tricep Pulldowns, machine
    Bench Dips

    Wednesday: Legs
    Squats, barbell
    Deadlifts, barbell
    Leg Press, machine
    Leg Extensions, machine
    Calf Raises (standing) (full stretch)

    Thursday: Back
    Pull-ups, (wide-grip)
    Bent Over Rows, barbell (overhand grip)
    Latbar Pulldown (wide grip), cable
    Latbar Pulldowns (underhand grip), cable
    Seated Row (cable)
    Shrugs, barbell

    Friday: Shoulders
    Shoulder Press (seated), barbell
    Lateral Raises (standing), dumbbells
    Military Press, barbell
    Shoulder Press (seated), dumbbells

    Saturday & Saturday: Rest

    is 5 days a week too much?
    thanks in advance for any input

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mountaineer Country
    Quote Originally Posted by beirut4321
    Hi, I'm 24 years old, 184lbs, been weight training since my teens and am starting my first cycle which will be a 10/20/30/30 pp cycle. my diet is on point, supporting sups and pct are great, and i was just wondering if more rest is needed in my training routine (everything is 2 warmup sets w/ 4 work sets and 1 burnout set):

    Monday: Chest
    Bench Press (flat), barbell
    Flyes (incline), dumbbell
    Pullovers, dumbell
    Bar DipsWhy not do an incline press

    Tuesday: Arms
    Bicep Curls (standing), barbell-reverse grip
    Bicep Curls (standing), dumbbell
    Bicep Curls (seated), hammer curls
    Bicep Curls (incline), dumbbells
    Tricep Pushdowns, machine CGBP and weighted dips for mass
    Tricep Pulldowns, machine
    Bench Dips

    Wednesday: Legs
    Squats, barbell
    Deadlifts, barbellThis is for back
    Leg Press, machine
    Leg Extensions, machine
    Calf Raises (standing) (full stretch)

    Thursday: BackAll you really need are deads pullups and bent over row maybe one more thing
    Pull-ups, (wide-grip)
    Bent Over Rows, barbell (overhand grip)
    Latbar Pulldown (wide grip), cable
    Latbar Pulldowns (underhand grip), cable
    Seated Row (cable)
    Shrugs, barbell

    Friday: ShouldersThat is alot of presses for shoulders
    Shoulder Press (seated), barbell
    Lateral Raises (standing), dumbbells
    Military Press, barbell
    Shoulder Press (seated), dumbbells

    Saturday & Saturday: Rest

    is 5 days a week too much?
    thanks in advance for any input

    You could combine some of these things to reduce days.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
    You could combine some of these things to reduce days.
    Would combining them reduce gains on-cycle? Prior to this cycle i have been doing 3 days a week (Monday: Chest, shoulders, triceps; Wednesday: Legs; Friday: Back, Bicep). But because im starting a cycle for the first time i keep having the tendency to think that more is better even though i know this wasnt true before. what do you think?

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    No one can tell you if you'll be over training...everyone is different. I would stick to the routine that you've been doing so you can gauge your strength gains properly. If you feel like your not doing enough after the first week bump up the intensity a little. Just stick to the key lifts and you'll be fine.

    BTW How does your diet look? Make sure you've got it in check before you start the cycle or you wont maximize your gains. Eat clean, eat big, sleep weel. Good Luck

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