Kinda long story...
I am doin 500mg Cyp a week and havent noticed the gains I expected. My squat has went up almost 80 somethin pounds my deadlift has went up 20 pounds but my bench has not went up much if at all. I have gained weight but, maybe 5-8lbs and Im not sure how much would actually be muscle. I would say there is no visual difference in me right now. I have been eating pretty clean and heavily too. Cardio is only 2 times a week right now, very low intensity.
My cyp had crystals in it which to my knowledge means that it is likely to be real but, I dont feel different or anything really. Now Im wonderin if all my shit; nolva, adex, clomid and test are fake. I mean, if my test is, my other shit probly is too. It really ****s my whole plan up though cause I had 40 more ML (from elsewhere) to add to this but, if the nolva and adex and clomid are phony, Im ****ed for right now.
Im going to post pics when I get up and I wanna see if anyone recognizes em.
Say what you wanna say about how people respond to test differently and shit but, come on.....7 weeks?