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  1. #1
    don anabolico's Avatar
    don anabolico is offline Associate Member
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    New devised cycle!

    My new cycle will be as follows

    1-2 - tren 130mg eod + 60mg var
    2-7 - tren 130mg eod + test prop 100 eod + 40mg var
    7-9 - tren 130mg eod + 50mg var


    9-12 - HCG 500iu's + 40mg Nolva + 25mg aromasin (extremesane) + 1000mg
    vit E + NO explode + Tribex + dostinex (raise prolactin) + 1000mg
    b12 (3 times a week)
    12-16 - 20mg Nolva + 25mg aromasin + NO explode + tribex + 1000 mcg b12

    I will run bloodwork before, mid, and after cycle. bloodwork will be done weekly after cycle ends until full recovery.

    Goal on cycle will be to gain LBM. Main focus on Post cycle, and any more advice on this would be great, as i have had difficuly in the past. I always ran hcg last 10 days of cycle @ 500iu's and 20mh of nolva and clomid.

    Opinions, suggestions, and questions???
    Last edited by don anabolico; 04-17-2006 at 02:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by don anabolico
    My new cycle will be as follows

    1-2 - tren 130mg eod + 60mg var
    2-7 - tren 130mg eod + test prop 100 eod + 40mg var
    7-9 - tren 130mg eod + 50mg var


    9-12 - HCG 500iu's + 40mg Nolva + 25mg aromasin (extremesane) + 1000mg
    vit E + NO explode + Tribex + dostinex (raise prolactin) + 1000mg
    b12 (3 times a week)
    12-16 - 20mg Nolva + 25mg aromasin + NO explode + tribex + 1000 mcg b12

    I will run bloodwork before, mid, and after cycle. bloodwork will be done weekly after cycle ends until full recovery.

    Goal on cycle will be to gain LBM. Main focus on Post cycle, and any more advice on this would be great, as i have had difficuly in the past. I always ran hcg last 10 days of cycle @ 500iu's and 20mh of nolva and clomid.

    Opinions, suggestions, and questions???
    Cycle history? Stats? Age? Training experience?

    Why not run the Test Prop all the way through and Tren/Test Prop ED. Users report much better gains and less side from injecting the short estered androgens, ED as opposed to EOD.

    For PCT, I'd leave out the Dostinex and use Vit-B6 100-200mg/ED.

    I'd suggest:

    wk 1-10 Test Prop 75-100mg/ED
    wk 1-8 Tren A 50mg/ED (adjust the dose accordingly comparing gains/sides)
    wk 1-10 Var 70mh/ED.

    PCT as you've lined out.

  3. #3
    don anabolico's Avatar
    don anabolico is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Cycle history? Stats? Age? Training experience?

    Why not run the Test Prop all the way through and Tren /Test Prop ED. Users report much better gains and less side from injecting the short estered androgens, ED as opposed to EOD.

    For PCT, I'd leave out the Dostinex and use Vit-B6 100-200mg/ED.

    I'd suggest:

    wk 1-10 Test Prop 75-100mg/ED
    wk 1-8 Tren A 50mg/ED (adjust the dose accordingly comparing gains/sides)
    wk 1-10 Var 70mh/ED.

    PCT as you've lined out.

    Its just that i get such bloat from the test even at low dosage using an IA. Thats the reasoning for taking out 4 weeks of it. Should do ED injects i know, but im only alternating 4 inject sites, so is that enough time between to be hitting the same site twice with 2 cc's each time?

    Cycle history : about 8 cycles under my belt, the last 3 of which were based on the short cycle thoery of quicker recovery, which ended up being TOTTAL waist of time and juice. they were 2 weekers with 3 weeks off in between.
    got tested 1 week after cycle ended and test came back at 106. tested again 2 weeks later, waiting for results. will test 1 more time before cycle.

    Stats 5'7 180 9% lightest ive weighed in years, because of the short cycle crap.
    Goal at the end of this cycle: 200 9%. Which for me isnt to much to ask since im under homeostasis weight right now, and i really do react amazingly to tren. Its just keeping the goods at the end....

    Age: 24
    Training experiance : started natural at 17, 1 st cycle 21 yrs old.

    The only sides i get from tren are aggrivation, sleep a little altered, and then recently bad tren cough (but bearable).

    Have you treid the PCT stated or know anyone that has?

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i dont like it one bit but oh well.. test and tren work synergistically together so IMO BIT WASTE!

  5. #5
    don anabolico's Avatar
    don anabolico is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i dont like it one bit but oh well.. test and tren work synergistically together so IMO BIT WASTE!
    ok so the reason why you dont like it is just because of the weeks excluding the test? or is there other reasons?
    i mean i can run test as well if i had to, i have enough....
    what are the downfalls, why do you not like it so much?
    i thought the reason running tren without test was bad is because you might get limp dick due to the elevated prolactin levels? thats not an issue for me as i have my prolactin under control with bloodwork and b6 as was stated for me above. if neccery i have dostinex. I just like the idea of gaining true mass without the ugly bloat....
    Last edited by don anabolico; 04-17-2006 at 03:41 PM.

  6. #6
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by don anabolico
    ok so the reason why you dont like it is just because of the weeks excluding the test? or is there other reasons?
    i mean i can run test as well if i had to, i have enough....
    what are the downfalls, why do you not like it so much?
    i thought the reason running tren without test was bad is because you might get limp dick due to the elevated prolactin levels? thats not an issue for me as i have my prolactin under control with bloodwork and b6 as was stated for me above. if neccery i have dostinex. I just like the idea of gaining true mass without the ugly bloat....
    first off running an extremely suppressive compound w/o test can have many adverse sides including many mental and mood... everything from anxiety to depression.. sex will be non existant which is good i gues? and recovery will be very difficult if u go str8 from tren to pct since the metabolites will hang around and continue to suppress while ur trying to recover. thus running test during cycle will give increases aromatization (tren dont aromatize) and the estrogen will greatly enhance the gains from tren. 2ndly w/o test to extend the cycle to allow the metabolites to further degrade before starting pct will result in what i stated previously.

  7. #7
    don anabolico's Avatar
    don anabolico is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    first off running an extremely suppressive compound w/o test can have many adverse sides including many mental and mood... everything from anxiety to depression.. sex will be non existant which is good i gues? and recovery will be very difficult if u go str8 from tren to pct since the metabolites will hang around and continue to suppress while ur trying to recover. thus running test during cycle will give increases aromatization (tren dont aromatize) and the estrogen will greatly enhance the gains from tren. 2ndly w/o test to extend the cycle to allow the metabolites to further degrade before starting pct will result in what i stated previously.
    very useful information, thanks tailboxa. so i guess you reccomend the same cycle as swifto stated, with the running of test by itself for the last 2 weeks?

  8. #8
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by don anabolico
    very useful information, thanks tailboxa. so i guess you reccomend the same cycle as swifto stated, with the running of test by itself for the last 2 weeks?
    sure or u can continue the the test and run var w/ it to finish it out
    wks 1-8 tren
    wks 1-13 test
    wks 6-15 var.

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