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  1. #1
    ForceIsStrongWithMyD's Avatar
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    I've Read, Researched, & Read Some More: First Cycle

    Alright, I'll be honest I'm a bit nervous posting in this forum b/c I've seen how harsh some of you guys can be... but I guess tough love works right? So here I go, and please be kind.

    I'm 6'1", 23yrs old & been lifting for 4 years (1.5 years serious). When I started I was 160lbs and I'm now 195lbs (morning empty stomach). I take multi-vitamins, creatine, and GNC Mega-Mass (weight-gainer) everyday. However, for the past 8months I seem to be stuck, and not going up in weight or strength at all. I've tried changing up routines and my diet, but nothing. I KNOW if I keep at it, I WILL go up, however I'd like a BIG boost now for the summer.

    I've been playing basketball in various leagues and as often as possible since I was 5yrs old. However I will have the next 4 months off, and I would like to bulk up as much as possible, while tonning come September. Overall, I would like to increase my strength, size, and verticle(I know plyometrics will help).

    I have never ran a cycle before, but I have been doing as much reading as I could (between classes) for the last 6 months (Tried to read every "READ THIS NEWBIE" & "Don't ask this NEWBIE" post). I know a lot of you guys will suggest a TEST only cycle, however I DO have some questions about that. When I read's and others steroid effectiveness charts, I compared Deca vs. TEST and found that Deca may not give you as good gains, but it gives you a greater chance at keeping what you put on (when compared to TEST).

    I've read about both steroids side effects, and I know Deca dick has been an issue with some people. Althought Deca has a very low rate of aromatization, roughly equal to 20% the rate of Testosterone (which equals less side effects right?). I also read that Deca caused a total (100%) reduction of natural testosterone levels , which is why it should be stacked with TEST.

    In conclusion, from what I've read here's some of the cycle options I'm looking at (I don't mind spend the extra $$$ on a stack instead of one steroid):

    Cycle Option 1:
    1 – 12 TEST-E 500mg/wk

    Cycle Option 2:
    1 – 4 D-bol 40mg ED
    1 – 12 TEST-E 500mg/wk

    Cycle Option 3:
    1 - 10 Deca 400mg/wk
    1 - 12 TEST-E 500mg/wk

    Cycle Option 4:
    1 – 4 D-bol 40mg ED
    1 - 10 Deca 400mg/wk
    1 - 12 TEST-E 500mg/wk

    Cycle Option 5:
    1 – 4 D-bol 40mg ED
    1 - 5 Deca 400mg/wk
    5 - 12 TEST-E 500mg/wk

    As for PCT treatment, I know when to start it depending on what I take, and I believe I know what and how much (thanks to all the threads in this forum ) I do have a question about it. If all I was to take was Test-E, would it depend upon my PCT whether or not I'd keep most of my gains? I know I'd keep 25lbs of the 30/35lbs I could put on, but I just don't want to lose a lot. Also, I AM prone to MPB and have been taking Propecia for 2yrs now.
    Last edited by ForceIsStrongWithMyD; 04-17-2006 at 05:05 PM.

  2. #2
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Option 1 is the way to go, as it sounds like you are going to do it no matter what. Because you definitely could gain more naturally.

    Cycle 5 is possibly one of the worst cycles I have ever seen.

  3. #3
    Reprisal 6's Avatar
    Reprisal 6 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm more concerned about 8 months at the same weight and strength. That's a long time for no progress if you have only been serious for 1.5 years.
    Steroids will help but I have a feeling you are lacking in your diet and you aren't going to see that magic 30 pounds of muscle from a cycle.

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro, what is your diet like? That is the most important aspect of gaining weight naturally and from gear as well as keeping gains after a cycle.

    For the record, the steroid effectiveness charts are way out of date on that site. I wouldnt put too much stock into what those say

  5. #5
    ForceIsStrongWithMyD's Avatar
    ForceIsStrongWithMyD is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the quick responses guys.

    C_Bino - I put the cycles in order of perference. I'd seen #5 around and wasn't sure of it, hence it being #5 on the list. Thanks for the tip about it though.

    Reprisal 6 - I also included my winter break which was about a month off of eating well and gym. My diet hasn't been on the bulking side like some of the threads suggest. I will be forcing myself to get on that type of diet for the summer and to continue on. However, here's what I'm currently at.
    Meal 1: 6eggs, 3 flaxseed toast, all-bran muffin
    Meal 2: Mega Mass Shake
    Meal 3: 12perogies (favorite food in life), full orange pepper, 8oz chicken
    Meal 4: Mega Mass Shake
    Meal 5: Tuna (full can), 1cup of rice
    Meal 6: Mega Mass Shake
    (I do a shit load of cardio due to basketball 5 times a week. But I SHOULD be eating more and better, I know.)

    longhorn814 - I've taken a look at a lot of the threads about diets, and I know how I have to start eating (both for the proper amounts of calories and protiens). Thank you very much for the tip about the charts, it makes a lot more sense now.

  6. #6
    skyline04's Avatar
    skyline04 is offline Associate Member
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    I would suggest your option 1 or 2 only and forget about Deca for your first cycle. I did dbol and test for my first cycle and got great results, but the more compounds you add, the harder it is to pinpoint if something goes wrong.

    Also, you should be getting more of your nutrients/protein from food than you are, you should def. be eating more real food than shakes, and it looks like that is even for you as of now. If you can I would add a lean protein/flax/veggies meal and take out a mega mass shake and replace with a lean protein/carbs (since you want to bulk).

  7. #7
    GreenLantern12's Avatar
    GreenLantern12 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey Tre thanks for doing some reading before coming on here.

    Yeah you have your 6 meals on here, but for some reason it dosn't seem like alot of calories to me, especally with all your cardio.

    What are you mixing with you Mega shakes? Are you useing milk or water. And how many Cals are your shakes?

  8. #8
    mr. snakes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrelaraH
    Alright, I'll be honest I'm a bit nervous posting in this forum b/c I've seen how harsh some of you guys can be... but I guess tough love works right? So here I go, and please be kind.

    I'm 6'1", 23yrs old & been lifting for 4 years (1.5 years serious). When I started I was 160lbs and I'm now 195lbs (morning empty stomach). I take multi-vitamins, creatine, and GNC Mega-Mass (weight-gainer) everyday. However, for the past 8months I seem to be stuck, and not going up in weight or strength at all. I've tried changing up routines and my diet, but nothing. I KNOW if I keep at it, I WILL go up, however I'd like a BIG boost now for the summer.

    I've been playing basketball in various leagues and as often as possible since I was 5yrs old. However I will have the next 4 months off, and I would like to bulk up as much as possible, while tonning come September. Overall, I would like to increase my strength, size, and verticle(I know plyometrics will help).

    I have never ran a cycle before, but I have been doing as much reading as I could (between classes) for the last 6 months (Tried to read every "READ THIS NEWBIE" & "Don't ask this NEWBIE" post). I know a lot of you guys will suggest a TEST only cycle, however I DO have some questions about that. When I read's and others steroid effectiveness charts, I compared Deca vs. TEST and found that Deca may not give you as good gains, but it gives you a greater chance at keeping what you put on (when compared to TEST).

    I've read about both steroids side effects, and I know Deca dick has been an issue with some people. Althought Deca has a very low rate of aromatization, roughly equal to 20% the rate of Testosterone (which equals less side effects right?). I also read that Deca caused a total (100%) reduction of natural testosterone levels , which is why it should be stacked with TEST.

    In conclusion, from what I've read here's some of the cycle options I'm looking at (I don't mind spend the extra $$$ on a stack instead of one steroid):

    Cycle Option 1:
    1 – 12 TEST-E 500mg/wk

    Cycle Option 2:
    1 – 4 D-bol 40mg ED
    1 – 12 TEST-E 500mg/wk

    Cycle Option 3:
    1 - 10 Deca 400mg/wk
    1 - 12 TEST-E 500mg/wk

    Cycle Option 4:
    1 – 4 D-bol 40mg ED
    1 - 10 Deca 400mg/wk
    1 - 12 TEST-E 500mg/wk

    Cycle Option 5:
    1 – 4 D-bol 40mg ED
    1 - 5 Deca 400mg/wk
    5 - 12 TEST-E 500mg/wk

    As for PCT treatment, I know when to start it depending on what I take, and I believe I know what and how much (thanks to all the threads in this forum ) I do have a question about it. If all I was to take was Test-E, would it depend upon my PCT whether or not I'd keep most of my gains? I know I'd keep 25lbs of the 30/35lbs I could put on, but I just don't want to lose a lot. Also, I AM prone to MPB and have been taking Propecia for 2yrs now.

    Cycle Option 2 is a good starter...................

  9. #9
    ForceIsStrongWithMyD's Avatar
    ForceIsStrongWithMyD is offline Junior Member
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    skyline04 - Thanks for your advice. I want to take more than just Test-E, and D-bol would be my first choice. At this point I'm liking Cycle #2, and will stay away from Deca for my first cycle. I'll take your suggestion and cut one shake out for another lean protein/carb meal. I have read that real food is better than supplements, and two shakes a day is just fine. I will most likely add in 4egg whites to Meal 1, 12oz chicken to Meal 3, and another can of tuna and cup of rice to Meal 5.

    GreenLantern12 - I tried to do as much reading and re-reading as possible. Both b/c I'm putting a potential harmful drug in my body, but also b/c I didn't want to get flamed on this board. I currently take my shakes with water, but I can up that to skim milk to help bulk. Plus, it'll make'em taste better! Good tip!

    mr. snakes - Thank you for your suggestion and detailed explanation.

  10. #10
    GreenLantern12's Avatar
    GreenLantern12 is offline Associate Member
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    Skim? Why not go crazy and use 2%. Your pretty young yet so your and you metabolism is really high so with that and adding an extra meal like Sky said you should be in better shape going into this....I know you probly do wantto hear this but in order to bulk your probly going to gain so fat too if you want to max your muscle potential. But as long as you keep an eye on it you can adjust your diet accordingly

  11. #11
    ForceIsStrongWithMyD's Avatar
    ForceIsStrongWithMyD is offline Junior Member
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    GreenLantern12 - I just assumed skim milk because it has less fat, but fair enough, I will go back to that yummy creamy 2% I left so many years ago. As for gaining fat, I don't mind. I can cut pretty easily, and I had planned on doing it come September, let's just hope I don't become a big fat whyno by the end of this, haha.

  12. #12
    ForceIsStrongWithMyD's Avatar
    ForceIsStrongWithMyD is offline Junior Member
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    Should I also throw in 0.25mg every OTHER day of Arimidex to help with water retention? Or is it not worth it?

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