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  1. #1
    dagreek2222 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Hey all i'm trying to finish setting up my summer cycle I'm 5'11 180 i play football for a d3 school they dont test and im almost 21.

    alright here's the scoop I've never done Test before and this is basically going to be my first cycle. I strongley believe i'm prone to estrogen I have had mild acne and that has finally cleared i have never got back acne mostly just face here and there. I have really oily skin that i have been controling and taking care of for quite some time so im feeling good about that right now. Also i have naturally since i was about 12 years old devoloped gyno puffy nips brest tissue behind that i have had surgey on in the past and now thats all gone.

    My question and concern is avoiding Test in my summer cycle due to me feeling like im going to be more prone to the estrogen side effects then the adverage person.

    What i wanna do in this cycle is bascially get some mass and cut my self up nice. Im going to be on a committed diet which i have never done before and whenever i have trained hard in the weight room i have gotten results natural so the diet alone with my lifting program is gonna be working even with out gear.

    To spice it up a bit im considering using some gear without test from what i said above.

    I'm thinking
    Anavar - since its great for athletes respirtory system fat burning and mild on liver pretty much a safe use would be great for training.

    EQ- low aromatose will be using for 12-15weeks strength and cutter

    proviron - help with supression of test so i wont get sexual sides such as ED will be using every day and in PCT

    Nolva- Pct

    what do you all think of using this stuff in my summer cycle i dont need a miracle transformation just something to give me an extra edge in my training.

  2. #2
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Well thought out cycle, why not use test with an A.I?

  3. #3
    dagreek2222 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    I don't have 2weeks to start A.I like amdex before cycle starting cycle right when i come back from a trip in june you think with the Var/EQ/Prov i will get some nice results and no sexual sides plus i mean im thinking of doing a cycle once a year if i get away with not using test i rather do that and another bonus is that cycle thats 1 injection a week of eq and the rest are orals thats a beautiful thing

  4. #4
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    You don't need to start a-dex or aromasin 2 weeks prior only letro.

  5. #5
    dagreek2222 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    alright ill still check it out
    so what you think of that that cycle otherwise with out test

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