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  1. #1
    USMCSS is offline Associate Member
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    Letro while on cycle question

    I'm currently on a bulking cycle and I'm having some gyno starting to show. I've always had that extra bit of man tit since puberty and I am currently 30. Well, it's getting worse. I was gonna run letro because nolva and l-dex haven't done shit for me. I need to know how much and how long I need to run letro for as I have never ran it before.

    Stats: 6.1, 205lbs, 12%bf, 30 y/o
    100mg Anadrol ED
    750mg Decca per week
    600mg Test E per week.
    .5mg l-dex ED
    40mg nolva ED

    Thanks ahead of time!

  2. #2
    USMCSS is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
    MatrixGuy is offline Good things come to those who wait
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    UK, Lancashire
    You could try increasing the dose of ldex to 1mg ED. The letro will take about 1 week to start working in my own personal experience. Why are you running more deca than test?

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
    You could try increasing the dose of ldex to 1mg ED. The letro will take about 1 week to start working in my own personal experience. Why are you running more deca than test?
    no ldex doesnt do shit regardless of increase 1mg will work bout the same as .25 LOL or so that seems to be the going trend.

    what you need to do is run Letro at 1.25mg ED for a while and see if it subsides.. at 2.5mg i can blast letro away.. so if 1.25 isnt working up it to 2.5 and then when ur gyno is under complete control and gone.. gradually reduce ur dosage slowly so u do not suffer estrogen rebound (IT SUCKS)

  5. #5
    USMCSS is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
    You could try increasing the dose of ldex to 1mg ED. The letro will take about 1 week to start working in my own personal experience. Why are you running more deca than test?
    Oops, I had the numbers backwards. Running the decca at 600 and the test e at 750.

    I've tried incresing the l-dex to 1mg and had no success what so ever. That's why I'm now trying letro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    are you sure your anti's are good? and definately run letro.

  7. #7
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
    MatrixGuy is offline Good things come to those who wait
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    no ldex doesnt do shit regardless of increase 1mg will work bout the same as .25 LOL or so that seems to be the going trend.

    what you need to do is run Letro at 1.25mg ED for a while and see if it subsides.. at 2.5mg i can blast letro away.. so if 1.25 isnt working up it to 2.5 and then when ur gyno is under complete control and gone.. gradually reduce ur dosage slowly so u do not suffer estrogen rebound (IT SUCKS)
    Tell me about it. The rebound sucks donkey dick. Be careful though, 1.25mg may effect your sex drive, even with the test.

  8. #8
    USMCSS is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novicenovicen
    are you sure your anti's are good? and definately run letro.
    I know they're good. I've used the same brand last cycle. Like I said in the original post, I've always had a small case of gyno since puberty

  9. #9
    USMCSS is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MatrixGuy
    Tell me about it. The rebound sucks donkey dick. Be careful though, 1.25mg may effect your sex drive, even with the test.
    Not too worried about the sex drive. Girlfriend is aware of the cycle I'm on, plus I think she could use a break. I've been railing her at least twice a day for the past 2 weeks. That fvcking test e i made is POTENT!

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