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  1. #1
    BlackStang's Avatar
    BlackStang is offline Associate Member
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    Prop/Tbol 6-8 weeker

    I have done a anavar /primo cycle in the past but never a test cycle. I want to keep it short due to personal reasons. Would like to put on 10-15lb of keepable mass if possible. I was debating on using dbol instead of tbol but dont want the bloat and have heard good things about tbol.

    As for the test it will be prop because how fast it acts compared to enth, cyp, etc. Cycle will look something like this

    1-6 Prop 100mg/eod - might extent to 8 weeks
    1-6 Tbol 40mg/ed for a start will probably bump up
    Nolva only pct - 40,40,20,20

    Do not want gyno and if i'm using nolva for pct what would you suggest I use during cycle?

    Also I havn't been able to find any sterile oils to mix with the prop. I heard eq works but if i'm only running 6-8 weeks theres probably no point, is there?

    Let me know what your thoughts are.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Personally I would extend the cycle to 8wks and I would run an anti-e throughout. I don't like to take chances to gyno......10-20mg nolva should suffice. I also believe in taking daily injections with a propionate ester.

    You can make your own sterile oil.

  3. #3
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01dragonslayer
    Personally I would extend the cycle to 8wks and I would run an anti-e throughout. I don't like to take chances to gyno......10-20mg nolva should suffice. I also believe in taking daily injections with a propionate ester.

    You can make your own sterile oil.

    I like all of this advice.

    The only thing I might add is that upping your dosage to 75mg on an ED scheme might be the difference between netting 7lbs and 10lbs with this proposed cycle.

    Small increases in prop have always given great results to me!

  4. #4
    BlackStang's Avatar
    BlackStang is offline Associate Member
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    I saw the Whatman Syringe Filter - .45u on a site but am not familiar with it. Never had to use a filter before. Do I just buy the oil, hook up the filter to a syringe and pull as much as i need then add the prop after?

    Would be ok to run nolve through then for pct? Wouldn't make a differance if I use a different anti-e then nolva pct? This wouldn't be more affective?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackStang
    I saw the Whatman Syringe Filter - .45u on a site but am not familiar with it. Never had to use a filter before. Do I just buy the oil, hook up the filter to a syringe and pull as much as i need then add the prop after?
    Its a little more complicated than this.

    You'll need a filter, some BA, oil, and a couple on empty vials(one needs to be sterile).

    Add your desired amout of oil to an empty vial. Make sure its vented or you can pull the stopper off altogether. After the oil is in the vial you need to add a small amout of BA. BA is the sterilizing agent. BA is also what causes the 'pain factor' in many conversions. You really don't need more than 2%BA. Add your BA and swirl. I personally then like to bake my oil in the oven at around 300-350 F for 15min. or so...swirling every few minutes.

    Let your oil stand and cool for a 10min or so. Now use your filter and filter your oil into the sterile vial...again you will need to vent the vial to relieve pressure(using just a needle beside the needle that is attached to the filter works great).

    LMK if ya have more questions.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BlackStang
    Would be ok to run nolve through then for pct? Wouldn't make a differance if I use a different anti-e then nolva pct? This wouldn't be more affective?
    Nolva and clomid for PCT. Nolva as an anti-e through your cycle will be fine.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    id agree with dragonslayer this cycle could be extended to 8 weeks due to the little amount of prop being used,but 6 weeks would do personally preference, also id defo do ED for the prop and swap the tbol for dbol .

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