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  1. #1
    _Chris_ is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2005

    Min duration for accutane use?

    Going to run 20-40mg per day, whats the min duration you would advise running it for? Only for a mild case of blackheads on shoulders and back, bloodwork will be monitored

  2. #2
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    East Coast
    i would seek other ways to handle the minor blackheads on your back and shoulder. accutane is very strong and has alot of harsh sides. if you dont need it you dont want to take it. try other remedies. but if you do do it. you prolly dont need to go any higher then 20mgs day unless severe acne. it is one that works over time and not quickly so i would recommend 6 months no less then 5 for good results. it stays in your system for a while as well.

  3. #3
    fred9's Avatar
    fred9 is offline Member
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    Sep 2004
    it's not about duration but about total amount ur gonna use in your accutane cycle..the total amount u should take is 120mg per kilogram bodyweight..thus 12gram if ur weight is 100kilogram..
    The chance that the acne will dissapear with this amount is 65%...
    Oww by the way i got this info from the makers from roaccutane (roche)..

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