Just wanted to let everyone in Southern California know that we're in the process of starting a new NON-CYBER bodybuilding/fitness social club here in the Los Angeles area.
So why a social club? Good question. Here in LA (as in many big cities) we all know it can be hard to make friends and meet quality people. Since actors take classes, writers have writing groups, and so on. -- why shouldn't those of us who work our asses off to build kick-ass bodies be able to meet and make friends with others who feel the same.
The club is FREE and open to men who are into bodybuilding and women who are into bodybuilding and/or fitness. It will probably be very low key--meeting up for drinks, hitting Hollywood on a Saturday night, maybe a weekend at the Olympia, having pros come and talk to us about "the lifestyle" etc. etc.
If you're interested, drop a response here, and I'll put an e-mail address down for people to sign up within the next few days.