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  1. #1
    MDLAX24 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2006

    Need Some Advice

    Hey everybody I'm new to this site and I am just coming off my first cycle and Its nothing fancy but I pretty much just wanted to see what you thought about it and what I should do for the next one.

    Sustanon 250 - 1cc every 5 days - 12 weeks
    B-12- 1cc every 5 days - 12 weeks
    Vitamin A%D - 4 in Morn 4 at night - 12 weeks
    Ester C - 3 in moron 3 at night - 12 weeks
    Amino Acids - 3 in morn 3 at night - 12 weeks
    Multi vitamin- 1 in morn 1 at night - 12 weeks
    Muscle Tech Cell Tech - Couple shakes a day- Still doing it

    I was told that the reason for the b-12 was to pretty much keep me from shitting out all my protein intake and to keep it going to my muscle growth. But my cycle is finished and I am now taking clomid once in the morning every other day and I am takin Viraloid once every other day.I am also still taking cell tech for my pct but everything I was taking was instructed by a good friend of mine, I gained about 22 pounds but lost some and ended up with a solid 16-17 and I was thinking about starting my second cycle in about 2 months. I was wondering if I will have the same amount of weight gaine or will it look more like a 12-13 pound weight gain? This time I am going to do the same thing pretty much except Im going to stack it with Winstrol . So if anyone thinks I should change something or I recieved false information please feel free to leave a message. Thanks

  2. #2
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Here's how to do proper PCT

    Pheedno's PCT

    Clomid once eod, is pointless

    B12 to keep from shitting out protein? Are you freaking kidding me? Thats a new one. I dont know where you got your advice, but he doesnt sound too bright

  3. #3
    MDLAX24 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2006
    So is the injected B-12 pretty much useless? Also how much Clomid should I be taking? And should I even be taking this Viraloid?

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    some people say taking B12 increases your apetite, so its not that bad to take it, although its not necessary. You should run 100mg of clomid for 30 days starting 18 days after you last shot of sustanon . 20mg of nolvadex along side the clomid is useful too. Click on the link i posted in my last post. I have no idea what viraloid is so I cant help you there

  5. #5
    MDLAX24 is offline New Member
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    If I cant get my hands on nolvadex , is it that bad to just base your pct on clomid alone or should I really look into getting the nolva. And as for the cycle. Does it look like a nice solid one? How long should I wait for my next one? Should I stack d-bol or winstrol or bothon the next? Will I get the same amount of weight gain?

    Thanks alot for the answers man I appreciate it, btw Im a canes fan but Vince Young is a bad ass I wonder what pick he will be taken though.

  6. #6
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you can get all the necessary PCT supplies by clicking on the flashing banner in the upper right hand corner. They are considered research chemicals. Typically the rule of thumb is time on + PCT + time off. You should also get blood work done a couple weeks after PCT too.

    There's no way of saying how much you will gain on any given cycle. There are too many variables such as diet, training, rest, age, body type, etc. I would also look into a single estered test such as test e instead of sustanon . Sust is a blend of four esters of test some are fast acting and some are slow acting and it is commonly recommended to shoot sust every other day to take advantage of the fast acting prop ester, although alof of people shoot twice a week. Shooting once a week isnt the best idea. The four esters cause fluctuating blood levels which increase the chances of side effects. Do some reading on that

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