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Thread: What would you reccomend to get what i want?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Exclamation What would you reccomend to get what i want?

    Alrite, Well first things first im new to this site. Been at the gym now for a few months seeing little changes but nothing special maybe a few kgs in the right direction.

    Ok, Well at first i was using WHEY protien but this has all finished ive put on around 4-5kg's but it just aint enough.

    I am currently weighing in at 10st 6lbs but am wanting to be around 11st 6lbs or even 12st if possible. Now a friend recommended to me i should go out and get Deca and sust injectable steroids as you will know. I was wondering if this is right and should i purchase deca and sust and also some dianabol tablets to take while on the jabs.

    What i am wanting to achive is yes increased bodyweight but also power and bulk. i am a fair skinny guy but cut in alot. what can you advise me to take in mg's and how many tablets to also take at the same time.

    Thanks and look forward to the answers from you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The 50 States
    Quote Originally Posted by Azz
    I am currently weighing in at 10st 6lbs but am wanting to be around 11st 6lbs or even 12st if possible.
    whats that mean ??
    i measurement i never heard of

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United States
    Yeah, what the hell does that mean. Also, you said you have been in the gym for a couple of months. I hope that is not right if you are asking about juice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    10st 6? what do you weigh like 600 pounds?

  5. #5
    10st means 10 stones...which is english....1 stone = 14 pounds....hope this helps

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    145lbs sorry thats my weight

    yes i am wanting juice, everyone in my home town is on it, but they have not researched i want to know what i should take and am i right by what i have said?

  7. #7
    IMO....and im guessing everyone on here....u should stay off the juice for a while....146lb is small and u have a lot of natty gaining before u should start considering juice


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    so what weight i need to be at before i start taking juice?

    but if i was to take juice now what could happen to me? are there any major dangers that could affect me just because im that small?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    146lbs have just weighed myself there again.

  10. #10
    before any of the more experienced mods will help u ...ur goin to have to list ur stats. (age, height, experience, etc.) and also give info on ur diet

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    How old are you?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    how tall r u

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    The 50 States
    im gonna lay it down for u bro. at ur weight and trainin exp (few months) there is no one here that would recommend u doin a cycle excpet for maybe mr. snakes but he's suspended now.

    im gonna take a wild guess that ur somewhere between the age of 18-20. that is a lil too young as well for startin wit gear.

    train natural for a couple of more years till u reach maybe 160-170 lbs, have ur diet in check, and training then maybe u could consider a cycle. ur just gonna waste money and time, u gonna be disappointed and start takin higher doses till u have fucced up ur body.

    buy some weight gainers and protein shake, and hit up the diet forum. u can use a lotta good info there.

    peace n good luck

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    In a one horse town
    Dude... do ur research... and make ur own decisions.. Judging by ur posts u sound determind.. these guys know best and have experienced AAS first hand.. but if ur dead set on doing a cycle or two.. READ up

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Azz
    Been at the gym now for a few months
    Quote Originally Posted by Azz
    Ok, Well at first i was using WHEY protien but this has all finished ive put on around 4-5kg's but it just aint enough.
    Quote Originally Posted by Azz
    I am currently weighing in at 10st 6lbs but am wanting to be around 11st 6lbs or even 12st if possible. Now a friend recommended to me i should go out and get Deca and sust injectable steroids as you will know. I was wondering if this is right and should i purchase deca and sust and also some dianabol tablets to take while on the jabs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azz
    Thanks and look forward to the answers from you.
    I've cut snippets of your post.. those i will address as they're of relevance.

    Firstly.. welcome to the site.

    If you'd sincerely like a 'point in the right direction'.. i'd have to direct you to the diet/workout/supplements forums respectively. At 146 lbs.. with a couple months of training under your belt you are nowhere ready for steroids.Anyone who advises you otherwise is an idiot.. no questions asked.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azz
    yes i am wanting juice, everyone in my home town is on it
    That's haphazard reasoning if ever i've heard it. If everyone else in town jumps in a well will you.?

    Quote Originally Posted by Azz
    but if i was to take juice now what could happen to me?
    There are a myriad of potential side effects... What is your age by the way?

    Quote Originally Posted by Azz
    are there any major dangers that could affect me just because im that small?
    Small and untrained?


    Think of your chest muscle tearing away from its point of insertion.. all because it got strong, but your tendons did not.


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    I've cut snippets of your post.. those i will address as they're of relevance.

    Firstly.. welcome to the site.

    If you'd sincerely like a 'point in the right direction'.. i'd have to direct you to the diet/workout/supplements forums respectively. At 146 lbs.. with a couple months of training under your belt you are nowhere ready for steroids.Anyone who advises you otherwise is an idiot.. no questions asked.

    That's haphazard reasoning if ever i've heard it. If everyone else in town jumps in a well will you.?

    There are a myriad of potential side effects... What is your age by the way?

    Small and untrained?


    Think of your chest muscle tearing away from its point of insertion.. all because it got strong, but your tendons did not.


    DITTO AND IF ANYONE TELLS YOU ANYTHING DIFFERENT, RUN AWAY, RUN FAR FAR AWAY!!! No one here wants to see you or anyone get hurt by adding AAS without POPER knowledge,training, diet !!!
    Keep reading! on everyone else in your town that is NO reason to do anything!!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    ok guys thats for the help.

    im 18, i know of people of the roids at 16years old, i know that must be sick and there smaller than me!!!!!!

    thanks for support think im going to give it a miss

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    Quote Originally Posted by Azz
    ok guys thats for the help.

    im 18, i know of people of the roids at 16years old, i know that must be sick and there smaller than me!!!!!!

    thanks for support think im going to give it a miss
    you are making the right decision mate i commend you for this.....................
    you are far to new to training and far too young imo to start taking these compounds.............those younger than you taking roids will more than likely fvck themselves in later life..............
    stick around tho and get yourself aquainted with the diet and training forums...this will help you immensly mate....
    good luck.......

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Down South
    take the advice of the bros who just posted.. def the right thing to do by waiting and gaining more knowledge as well as expirience..

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    taking steroids at a young age puts you at a higher risk of long term side effects, b/c your body is still developing. Your endocrine system hasnt fully developed yet and taking steroids can inhibit that from fully developing. Also you dont have the proper foundation to handle and keep your gains from steroids. Diet is everything in this game. You need to learn how to eat and gain naturally first. Here is a good example of how you need to eat to gain weight naturally or with steroids. Work on eating like this and I guarantee at your age you wil see the gains come.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Quote Originally Posted by Azz
    ok guys thats for the help.

    im 18, i know of people of the roids at 16years old, i know that must be sick and there smaller than me!!!!!!

    thanks for support think im going to give it a miss

    SMART move brother!! The whole thing that may help you understand our concern is that at your age and younger and some older, your GROWTH PLATELETS are still developing and any use of AAS could screw them up if they are not finished developing.
    Stay here and learn as much as you can about training and diet! If you have a stable foundation,(of natural muscle adn correct diet) the house you build on it later with or without ASS will be much stonger and last you a lot longer!!!!

    If you have the insurance and decide that you still want to do AAS at a younger age like early Twonties, you can go to your physician and have them do an MRI or other test to determine if indeed your growth plates are done developing! Then you will be "safer" trying AAS

    Welcome to the board!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    i think your already headed in the right direction, a gain of afew kilos in 2 months is good shit. stick with using the whey protein, go the diet forum and make yourself a decent diet with lots of calories and protein. you do not need steroids at this stage

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