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Thread: Tell me to stop thinking to much

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Tell me to stop thinking to much

    hey guys, did first shot of test/deca tuesday, went perfect. i was thinking if i run tue/fri shot, from tuesday to friday thats 3 days, and from friday to tuesday its 4 days. and i cant do shots in the morning, they have to be at nite, after gym and work. so should i just shoot every 3 days, or every 4 days??? it has me thinking, and i think im just thinking wayy too much. also is my doses too high. im running MSL test en 325mg....585mg/wk and MSL deca 325mg...325/wk. running letro during, does anyone think thats too much?? this is 2nd cycle. first was test 250mg/wk for 10 weeks, no pct though, 2 years ago. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    When you start doing it every 3 days, it will drive you nuts unless you plan it all out in advance on a calendar you can see and visualize.

    If that is too much work, just pick 2 days of the week (like you have) and shoot then. Pretty easy to remember.

    If you don't write it down, it is easy to slip a day once in a while especially if you are in a longer cycle and life gets busy.

    Your dosages are not too high. Is this your first cycle?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    this is 2nd cycle, well actually 3rd i would say. 1st cycle was 250mg/wk for 10 weeks, i missed a week during and no pct. then i ran 400mg wk for only 4 wks, stuff came up, had to leave left juice behind. came back and ran a full pct. so basically third, i guess. and ill do tue/friday then, thanks a lot bro, and i will keep the same doses.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    it will not differ alote from 3 to 4 days

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    not a big deal. just pick 2 days and do your shots then. put it on the calender.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ya im going tuesday/friday. i knew i was just thinking wayy too much about something dumb. but i seem to do that with this stuff. i think my dosing with be fine too. its only 2 compounds, i was going to run winny at the end, but cancelled that out.. thanks a lot

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